[Dish for PM!]Chovot ha-Levavot, Part 2

Day 773, 06:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Part one of this article is listed here, which outlines the First Kingdom which will once again help rebuild the United Kingdom into its once Proud world standing. This will be the second, and there is a third coming. These are not policy outlines, just a basic ideal of how we can improve the UK.

The Second Kingdom

So, the second thing we look at in rebuilding a legacy and reach will be inside the walls (which we established in the last article as Communication, serving as City Walls to protect and inform everyone). It will be something that everyone looks to on a daily basis, trying to use it to improve their own lives, along with their country.

It's the economy, availability of products, and the ability of each and every person to have equal opportunity for success or failure. Most people fail to realise just how far reaching the economy is. It affects the Military and how well it is funded. It affects Society and how well new players get brought into this game. It affects Government Income and how well it can operate. In almost every way, while the Economy is driven by war, War is driven by economy, and it needs to be given its due.

I've served as MoF (in three countries), MoT, covered as MoW, and worked in various other aspects of the economy. I have always carried the following ideals into Economic values:

-Economic Gains do not mix with Political Ideals. You cannot cut off your nose to spite your face, although decisions need to be made with care. Just because we are hostile with various countries does not mean we're going to uselessly embargo them for fun. We need to take every opportunity to make money that exists, as it will further our approach into other areas of Erepublik.

-Decisions made regarding the economy cannot be made, and policy cannot be enforced without a group consent between a team of people who know economic matters inside and out. This means anyone who lays out any solid policy is mostly just setting goals, meaning it won't really matter in the long run anyhow. We don't need that right now.

This brings me to the pillar behind the Second Kingdom. The Economy is about one thing: Accountability and Attitude. It means that if just one person cannot afford food (whichever of us is elected), it's our fault. If just one person is upset, it's our fault. If just one person cannot be free to enjoy themselves in improving the United Kingdom the way they see fit, it's our fault.

We need someone to stand up for that, not run away from it. We need someone to stand up and say "Hey, I can help you out". "I'll send you a piece of food", "I've got your back", or "Lean on me". We need someone with the attitude to put the eUK on his shoulders, and drive everyone to accountability. We need someone to bring back the attitude to the United Kingdom, and start taking accountability for both its shortcomings and successes.

She wants you to vote for Attitude

Just Another Guy