[CPF] One Voice?

Day 1,140, 12:58 Published in Canada Canada by In Tyler We Trust

Usually, the Canadian Progressive speaks with one voice. Usually, we are of the same mind when it comes to deciding who our Party President will be (rarely have we had close contests), and when it comes to nominating a Country President.

As usual, we held our first poll, in which it we sought to determine whether or not it was in the Big Moosey's interests to run a candidate from within, or to support a candidate from another party. In our first poll, by a 2:1 margin, the Party decided that we should seek to support another candidate.

But it was a bit of surprise this month, when we held our second poll, that we as a party did not come up with a decisive result in our Forum Poll for Country President.

Wes Lewis............................... ...0
James McNamara (Penguin)...... 6

Evidently, feelings ran pretty deep within the Big Moosey concerning which candidate to support (or was it more of whom not to support?)

In any event, the Canadian Progressive Front has always listened to the voice of their members. So who was the Party to nominate ingame? The One Voice we are accustomed to hearing – wasn’t so clear. With voices that sought to speak over each other, it was far from certain who to nominate – Penguin or TemujinBC. Both spoke loudly.

So I arrived at a solution. By no means, is it unique. Although I don’t remember the circumstances, several months ago, in June of 2010, EPIC decided on this course as well: to nominate nobody, and to encourage each party member to vote according to their conscience, to elect the candidate each one thinks will make the best President for Canada.

Since the Canadian Progressive Front was unable to speak with one voice, it was decided we would nominate no one, and for our first time, encourage Party Members to vote for the candidate they felt would make the best President. Usually, we do our best to encourage all party members to vote for the candidate who won the poll – but not this month.

So, members of the Canadian Progressive Front – who do you think will make the best President of eCanada? In order of appearance on the ballot:

TemujinBC Tem's Platform
Wes Lewis Wes' series of articles
Muglack Muglack's Slogan
James McNamara To be released later today.
Aeriala Aeriala's Platform

Read their platforms – discover what they stand for. Vote wisely!

The Seven Tenets of Canadian Progressive Front

1. Support & Fund Canada's growing independent militias
2. Increase the efficiency of our Canadian Armed Forces
3. Advance our role in the Brolliance and EDEN
4. To respect and recognize the mechanics of the game
5. Ensure responsible government for eCanada
6. Facilitate the development of new players
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by supporting and maintaining the well-being of it's citizens

As always, you are welcome to join our forum: http://praetorhq.forumotion.ca/forum

Wilhelm Gunter
Party President.