A Vote for Aeriala, A Vote for Opportunity

Day 1,140, 09:13 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

As we head into the final days for the CP election I'd like to put a refresher on my campaign notes. I realize I'm little late putting out notes on it but family responsibilities held me up, so goes the holidays.
First off a big thanks to Addy and Tem. Having met Tem in Toronto and consuming much beer, it was but a brief conversation that led to him refusing the MOO nomination in order to give me the chance. The nomination process this month was extremely close in many places, sometimes as small as a single vote. My thanks to Addy for allowing me to run respecting the wishes and dealings made between the canidates themselves to give the public the greatest of options.

So onwards to my plans.

Tax Reform

I will bring forward to congress the plans to lower income tax. I will bring forward the ideals of MOO to make income tax 1% and bring about the the idea of raising funds through the VAT of 10%. Canadians will earn what they deserve to earn. The other part of this is to make an economic atmosphere that is attractive to foriegn workers. It is no secret the Canadian companies lack workers and it has drove inflation unendingly since v2 was introduced. By creating a worker friendly state we should be able to fill positions, make Canadian companies more productive, lower prices (yes I admit the VAT will by an increase in prices, but hopefully only temporarily), and increase Canada's ability to export. Import taxes can be balanced as to the incoming market, what will have vs what we are missing once the changes are implimented in the game.

Constitutional Reform

This is straight forward and the idea has already being put to the test since I introduced. An admittedly slow process of removing redundant sections of the constitution and moving it into other laws. By trimming down this bloated document we can bring it down to a reasonable size and then repair the core of it. A slow plan but an effective way to go about it.

War, Other Economics, Etc.

Some areas you just can't make promises in, war is like that. Things change on a daily basis it is undeniable. I will review our MPPs and consult with my team. What I wish to see is Canada having the smallest amount of the most effective MPPs. Just a simple plan that allows us the best position.

War is the same. Will we fight? Yes. Who is a question. Again things can change in as little as 2 days therefore I won't make crazy promises ahead until I'm sitting there looking at the current facts. The simple concept is war drives the economy and maintains player interest therefore I believe in fighting. Maybe we can go into France, maybe we should reopen the war with the UK, maybe it's time to liberate Australia. When the time comes I can make that decision, doing it ahead of time is reckless.

One concept we continually come across is retaliation. We attack, we move ahead, we get pushed back and begin losing territories as we get low on funds. I have a plan to establish a defensive fund. A simple amount of money set aside, 500 - 1000g to fund against the pushback. I'm not a fan persay of creating more gov't orgs to be robbed in the future and after some thought I believe the CAF is the safest place to keep such a fund. While the executive will have control of this fund as to how it is spent when the time comes, they will not have direct access to it.

Final Note

After you finish reading this you make think it rather vague. You are correct in a way. I do not believe in making crazy promises then not fulfilling them. What I do believe in is responsible and honest gov't. I have provided a guideline of what I wish to accomplish but not everything can be written in stone, sometimes things and situations change. For what it's worth if you agree with the direction I wish to head then I ask that you vote for me and I will do my best to provide an honest gov't that will look after your best interests.

Best Regards, Aeriala