{CPF} Congressmen and the blue moose

Day 2,011, 19:53 Published in Canada Canada by Mizu64

Just a couple of days ago, a group of brave eCanadian citizens defended with their lives and resources and by all means our territorial integrity by starting a revolution war in Quebec, a revolution war to which we stood victors. This victory gave us, eCanadians, a fresh new air of renewed hopes and renewed interests, and also, included in this package, we find the fresh electoral air of the upcoming congressional elections! Yes, that’s right; for the first time in two months we have actual chances of getting a congressional body built up! But of course, we can’t sing victory until we fully secure our territory from the Spanish imperialists until the end of the electoral revisions.

First of all, I want to take some of my time to shout a big thank you to, primarily, the people who smartly chose Quebec to start a revolution war and all of the supporters of the cause, and secondly (but not least important) to all of those brave eCanadians who gave up everything they had to help us appear in the maps once again and earn ourselves a congress for this month of May. Thank you guys! for your determination, thank you guys! for your bravery, and finally, thank you guys! for demonstrating your prominent love towards our precious mother land, eCanada.

Now that all the thank yous have been handed out to everyone, let’s move on to what really interests us in here: the congressional elections, and what CPF has to offer you along with them.

First of all, to all of you who don’t know:

What is CPF?

CPF (Canadian Progressive Front) is an eCanadian (obviously) political party ranked as the number one political party in eCanada for the time being.

We, in CPF, defend the senses of equality, freedom and civil rights every we believe every eCitizen deserves and we, also, constitute a breaking point in every way with whatever ethnocentric that could possibly exist in our dear and beloved eCountry, and categorically disapprove it. Going from this, the Canadian Progressive Front is also in no way a militarized party, and has no intentions on becoming one for the time being.

We are a center-right liberalist oriented party that defends and fosters a free-market economic system to benefit the richest and poorest eCitizens alike, and we constitutethe birth bed of the greatest and most noble minds of our country.

We defend the principles of Democracy, the imperativeness of the law, and Robert Dahl’s concept of poliarchy. Our work is with the people, in order to benefit the people.

We in CPF are very tolerant and accept openly everyone who wishes to join us with only one condition: We dispose of a set of tenets that every member should abide to in order to extol their status and the status of our party in correlation to what the Canadian Progressive Front is supposed to reflect to the people of eCanada and the world. These tenets go from following our fair ideology to standing for the party with exalted cooperativeness and unity principles.

At this very moment moment, our Party President is Auk Rest, who just recently preceded Dozzer_X in the last party presidential elections (both of them great servers of our nation and amazing leaders). Our Secretary General, also a great person and an amazing leader, is klop123, and for last but not least: our party’s spokesman (who is a renowned figure of eCanada) was recently chosen for duty. I think his name was Mizu…94, 69, 64, not sure tho, I think it goes around those numbers.

Oh, and we also have a blue moose, Tyler.

I know some of you might be thinking: ”why should I vote for this party for a congress term?” well, asides from the reasons I stated above (honesty, nationalist feelings, democracy, freedom, cooperation, tolerance, great organization) we are very firm about ensuring that our congressional candidates are one hundred percent capable of performing their duties at any time being as congressmen or congresswomen and we are also firm about ensuring that each one of them is well informed about the situation eCanada is living, and possesses a critical position about it that aims at the prompt reconstruction and development of our motherland. We, of course, would also not announce a congressional roster if we weren't one hundred percent sure that our congressional candidates abide by our sacred seven elemental tenets elaborated by our high command with the sole purpose of only proposing the best of the best to the congressional body of eCanada.

The following tenets are adopted by each one of our candidates before they’re officially sent to represent the party in the legislative chambers. If no party member agrees to abide by these tenets, the CPF wouldn't participate in the elections, as simple as that, and I mean, really, it’s better to not own any spot in congress at all rather than sending a bunch of people who would not strive for eCanada's welfare in representation of our democratic principles and values:

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units.
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important.
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable and selfless ally.
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game.
5. Develop a positive political sphere.
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik.
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy.

As I mentioned before, all of our congress candidates agree to these tenets before they’re made official by the party’s executive interim power.

- You convinced me and I have decided to vote for the CPF in the upcoming elections, and probably even join you, but anyhow, how do I vote for you, what am I supposed to do?

Voting for a party isn't hard, in fact, it only requires about two clicks, honestly… but let’s not jump into things; let’s remember that Spain still has the means to wipe us before the congressional election revisions end, and that would constitute a major setback for all of us in eCanada. But nonetheless, in the hypothetical case that Spain doesn't attack us and we maintain our territorial integrity afloat, all you have to do to vote for us is to move your mouse over the community tab and then click the elections tab this may 25th, then search for our name which is asides from Tayler’s image (Canadian Progressive Front) then click VOTE with all the strength you have. Your vote will then be submitted and we will be one step closer to filling the congressional spots.

A couple of recommendations here:

1) Vote early, and that’s a recommendation for all kind of elections in eRepublik. The earlier you vote, the more your vote counts, trust me on this one.

2) Refuse anything material wise: Really, don’t deviate your vote for a couple of tanks or supplies, these can be easily given to you by any MU to defend our motherland, which is fairer than receiving them just to secure your voting intentions.

3) Choose what you deem best for eCanada: The legislative power (congress) is the one in charge of deciding, along with the country president, the course of the country under their respective terms. In a century where democracy, poliarchy and freedom are indispensable principles, you have to choose wisely what suits your nation best. Choose wisely.

The official congressional candidates roster for the CPF is currently under deliberation, and will be added in this article as soon as the candidates are announced.

Also check this other article which explains thoroughly why your vote is so important as it is for eCanada: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cpf-voting-in-congressional-elections-how-important-is-your-vote--2262274/1/20

"When the fate of your country is in your hands, what you don't do counts as much as what you do"

Vote blue moose!