[CP] - More War & Peace Summit + NHS

Day 1,853, 05:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
[CP] - More War & Peace Summit + NHS

The title is a little misleading, we aren't going out there to cause war and then have a peace summit with our enemies. That would be daft, in fact there are two separate and equally very important matters we must address. I will also touch on some other matters aswel in this update.


Firstly our stance on war, as promised when I ran for CP this month. I wanted more war and to be honest a good opportunity has a risen in which we can have plenty of it (If the plan works). Keep an eye on the MoD orders and chain shouts over the coming days, we may have to fight hard to achieve the goals we want. But I'm sure as a united nation we can achieve this.

Direct link to Live Chat/Strike Room for eUK Military!

Direct link
Copy & Paste link into explorer bar

eCanada successfully NE'd us last night so war on that front will open soon. I'm not going to say much more on this front, enough beans have been spilled already. But stay connected and active and the instructions will be there. Fight Hard, Fight for eUK. As For eBelgium, I want to thank them again for agreeing the Training war, which will close soon.

* One last final thing on MoD, New graphics are now under way to improve our dull MoD papers. The first set of drafts should be released in the coming days.

December 12" Peace Summit

OK, I saw this idea from Hugh - A peace summit for all parties, players, fighters etc within the eUK to get together and talk things over, clear the air.

We must come to some agreements or this will never end. The fact is I wanted relationships between parties and individuals to be more closely bonded this month. If anything the opposite is happening and another month is passing by. So I propose a mass meet on the IRC where all eUK citizens are welcome to join in. Lets challenge the issues that are dividing our country and come to some common agreement in which all parties involved can move forward. If we had less of the trolling, moaning and fighting we would actually have a pretty kick ass nation.

I must stress this will only be successful is everyone gives it a chance, I know some people will chose to ignore this and continue the trolling. But I hope the mass majority of people will come to some sense and move forward. Talon Karrde will being heading this with me, I respect him as a player and individual. Hopefully we can help the eUK communicate and sort any differences, time will tell.

A time and date will follow in my next article - but I want to clear this up before Christmas (most people are away or drunk).


Last night I made the decision to remove Sir Nick from cabinet. The decision was taken after he repeatedly recruited from with in game. Now I support the freedom of speech, but this was more then that. I want a solid month as CP and for my ministers to respect that and the position they hold. Abusing the position of minister is something I reject, hence the decision. AC has elected to promote Joshua Whelan through the ranks another promising player and I wish him the best for the remainder of this term.

Apronchef, has also released an article here

Radio Station

We are coming to the testing stage of the Radio Station, and these tests should commence this week. All being well, we could have a Live Launch Date. Again anyone with past experience in this field please get in touch with me.


I still haven't got in touch with Kumnaa, I have been pinging him daily and now understand that he no longer owns his account in game. The reason I need him, is because he owns both the Forums and IRC channels which many citizens are concerned about. I hope the peace summit will clear most things up, but once I get in touch with Kumnaa I Will let you know how things progress.


Irish Peace Treaty - The terms of this peace deal are being written as I speak and should be formally released later today. This is the first step for our two nations in building a respected peace and hopefully much more in the future.

Frerk: Has been busy getting the new ambassadorial program up and going and he is happy to report that this months volunteers have shown a clear keenness to get started and involved which is very promising. Ambassadors are being personally mentored by the minister (Frerk, Huey) and his juniors, their task being to gather information and ultimately write an article. The MoFA has also been working on the NAP with the Irish and TWO's plan to get us to the Azores.

Lastest MoFA article - HERE

* Update Huey George has regrettably been removed as coMoFA, the job demand high IRC activity and this wasn't being met.

Mittekemuis has been installed to help Frerk with the strain, I wish her the best of luck for the remainder of this term.


The NHS MU is being closed TODAY! NHS MU members have had all week to find a new MU and all where notified by Aces and Acroc. The final transaction will be overseen by MoH and myself to help accommodate all young players.

I must Stress, NHS will continue as a background function from now on. To apply or re-apply please follow this link and you will be sorted shortly.

That's it for now, a lot is happening behind closed doors for obvious reasons, some people want me to be more transparent, that's impossible in some cases especially when talking about allies, enemies and potential new friends.

Any Questions please Pm me directly

Country President, eUK