[CP] I Have A Confession To Make...I'm not the Hero and Patriot (Day 1434)

Day 1,434, 14:52 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence


On October 5th, a majority of eCanadian voters provided me with a mandate to establish eCanada as a destination for experienced soldiers from around the world. I intend to make eCanada a very attractive option to foreign soldiers by:

-pursuing a full complement of economic region bonuses.
-brokering a multi-month commitment from congress on MU funding that requires eCanadian citizenship
-leading reforms in our justice system so that eCanadians can count on a just resolution to conflict

PDP, Muggsy, Ethel, Bunsen HoneyDew and Mafanikio will help me do this!!!

I Have a Confession to Make

On day 1427 I addressed the nation with this “State of Emergency”.

Look very carefully at the paragraph on Rolo Tahmassee. Note the first letter of each of the four paragraphs on this topic.

M. O. L. E.

Remember Project Mayhem? Remember when the shit hit the fan and people claimed that they were a mole for the other side in order to position themselves in a better light? The problem with that defence strategy is that it is a convenient excuse when you are caught. Were you really a mole or is this an excuse. This happens a lot because there is a problem with declaring yourself a mole in advance of an operation, too many people know the secret and pretty soon its not a secret and you no longer have a mole.

Rolo Tahmassee has been my mole in the PTO and that article from seven days ago was my sneaky way to declare to everyone that I knew it at that time. I'm sorry, I couldn't trust anybody with the secret what with nobody willing to trust Rolo and all.

I know, I know, I can hear people now, saying that I’m a conspirator to the PTO and all that jazz. I'm not. I'm just a guy that gets along with Rolo. I’m sorry, you’ll just have to trust me that I’m not a conspirator. In the worst case scenario, I have placed trust with a guy I shouldn’t have. I may be stupid or naive, but I’m not a conspirator.

For the record, Rolo did not intend to PTO Union Nationale. As the PTO threats emerged last weekend and as it became apparent that UN was in trouble, Rolo’s criminal instincts (actually, they are competitive instincts but whatever) kicked in and he figured he would truly audition for the PTO threat by ASSISTING their efforts to gain their trust. I mean, he is already regarded as Public Enemy Number 1 in eCanada and the PTO knew this, why not completely engage their interest by helping them do what was going to happen anyway, PTO Union Nationale? Also for the record, the role as mole was established the day after the PP election. I did not participate in the PTO of UN whatsoever.

Rolo makes an excellent mole. The nation hates him and the PTO’ers know this. Also, Rolo has political influence, both in voters and in control of a top five party. The PTO wants to believe that Rolo is on their side.

Now, to be candid, the PTO has not been completely candid with Rolo, they’ve held stuff back, but they have shared enough that we have been able to react to their strategies. Their last ditch effort, and I think it is in vain, is to get to top five in member numbers tonight. Let’s block them and coast downhill tomorrow.

Rolo has offered spots in NPC for the PTO and it’s a trap. They can’t get out of the trap now so I don’t care that I’m sharing it here now. With the blockers we have placed there, Rolo will block out the PTO threats and assist the ATO. Or he'll screw me over.

I believe that Rolo will do the patriotic thing because at the core of this criminal is an eCanadian Hero and Patriot, just don’t look too closely at his rap sheet, his security deposit box, or the trail of bodies in his wake. If Rolo doesn’t do the patriotic thing, then he has made a fool of me and surely I will be impeached.

My final comments are to the PTO; stop playing with legos and GTFO. You are petty thugs and you are completely outclassed. eCanada isn’t a hick nation with a fat treasury surrounded by a bunch of "nice and polite guys" eating bacon and poutine with maple syrup drizzled all over. We are seasoned criminals who steal the national treasury, celebrated trolls who arm enemies against eCanada, transvestite leaders who screw over our allies on a whim, Machiavellian politicians who thirst for "Teh Deal" in #secretz, and our military, well, the extent of the evil that our High Command is capable of will never be known because those files are classified.

You didn’t have a chance.

Now move along.

Who's your daddy?