[CP] I Don’t Want Congress to NE Poland

Day 1,738, 19:01 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi
The Order For Now: Save your Energy Bars and Bazookas

I have today asked Congress not to NE Poland when the opportunity becomes available. You might be asking yourself “why the hell wouldn’t we want the 10% bonus against a country that’s invading us?” and I would tell you “because I said so.”

And in fact, in bygone months that literally would be enough to silence the vast majority of doubters. “We should probably listen to that manipulative bastard who’s convinced us to vote for him more than anyone else” they would say and carry about their day. But times have changed, and Congress has been beaten like a red headed step child (I am, coincidentally, a red headed step child) too often to trust their “God-Emperor,” he who has been elected more times than all but one person in Erepublik history. But hey, that’s also my ego talking.

So, you want to know why I don’t want you to do the obvious, in favor of the not so obvious? Well, as you know our glorious new alliance spans ONE and Terra and EDEN and the potpourri of countries and as you may not know, we will be getting a free MPP with all of them. We do not know how this transfiguration will occur, we do not know if our war with Poland will be closed, we do not know if their NE will stand, but if it does and we have alliances with most of their MPP stack they will lose it when they next attack.

“Good! Screw Poland!” some of you will say. Please hear me out. In a world where Poland loses its entire stack because of us they will not be happy, but they will certainly be pleased that we have the common decency not to prevent them from rebuilding that stack they lost because of a stand both countries have taken in an alliance contest. We allow them to end the war on their terms, we show we are going to act like the country we were instead of the asylum we became, and we can proceed forward with RWing back our regions. Crisis and wipe averted. Looks like I don’t need to max my credit card out when simple conversations can do the same damned thing.

Now, some of you might say “I’d rather be wiped so there can be war, and I’d rather die than work with Poland,” to which I say good for you. But explain your reasons to everyone who loses their bonuses, not to me. I am showing you what Canada can be capable of diplomatically and competently when not run by the lunatics, but if you prefer Project Mayhem over Project Lets Act Like Adults then I’ve never been your man.

And hey, maybe things won't happen that way and I'll ask Congress to use the NE on Poland (or someone else...) but when I do it'll be after its been thought out and planned and not because it struck my fancy.

Oh. One last point. The Coalition isn’t my enemy, and sometimes I have more support for my administration from there than from those that aren’t in the Coalition. There are bad Congress people in any party, there are people who prefer Congress does whatever the hell it wants and want a weak and useless CP. I can say with certainly that no one party is inherently better than any of the others. People who say the Coalition opposes me aren’t correct even if there are people in the Coalition that do not. Please do not tar the actions of a few bad apples on an entire group of people that just happen to have different opinions.

That’s it, for now. I’ll keep you posted. Comments, concerns, questions? Give me a shout.