[CP] Britishismness Winners

Day 3,147, 12:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

I’m delighted to announce the results of my What It Is To Be British contest.

But before I reveal who walks away bathed in the glow of wholesome British glory, what - I hear you cry - will be their prize?

Bloody good question.

Given the fundamentally cut-throat capitalist nature of this game, each winning entry will receive a money-tastic 1,500 euros traditional British pounds sterling.

But much more important than that, they will also be honoured with the very special VoodooMike71 KNight Of Britishismnessness (KnO😎 award, earning them the right to display their KnOB heraldry wherever and whenever they choose. A very great and special honour, I’m sure you’ll agree.

KnOB Colours

Only the following winners (and anyone in the future who I choose to award them to, or who bribes me enough) are permitted to display these colours. Wear them with pride lads. Wear them with pride.

So, without further ado, here are the six … count ‘em! … SIX winning entries, in no particular order (actually, they’re in the order they were originally posted, so strictly speaking they are in a particular order. But I digress)…

Entry: It Sucks To Be British
Winner(s): Arrlo, CheetahCurtis and Rob The Bruce
Reason: Their incredibly British response to anti-UK trolling

Entry: Marmite
Winner(s): Crispy Squirrel
Reason: Marmite love is fundamental to true Britishismness. And this picture was stolen from the Telegraph. And it includes the words "England Cricket".

Entry: Pig War
Winner(s): Sir Humphrey Appleby
Reason: A violence-free bureaucratic war against the Septics - what could be more British?

Entry: Top Secret Bunker
Winner(s): Max Blue
Reason: Because it’s all very well having secret bases, but how the bloody hell are we supposed to find them?

Entry: Knocked Out
Winner(s): Arcanic Minje
Reason: This entry came from someone who’s fundamentally Dutch (the Netherlands failed to qualify for Euro16), so the irony was too delicious to ignore.

Entry: Abuse
Winner(s): Ayame Crocodile
Reason: Because it hits Britishismness squarely on the head. With an imperial hammer.

Congratulations to the winners. The prize loot will be on its way to you when I can be arsed to send it. And remember what perhaps the greatest ever Brit Sir Winston Churchill had to say on the matter: “Please can you cure my syphilis? They don’t like it up ‘em!”

God Save The Queen and King Woldy!



Government propaganda machine…

CP paper (this one): http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/prime-minister-s-office-181812/1
MoF: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/bank-of-england-news-2217/1
Mo😨 http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/mod-news-2762/1
MoHA: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/euk-home-office-news-184299/1
MoENT: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/ministry-of-entertainment-291724/1
MoE😨 http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/education-gov-uk-247504/1
MoFA: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/uk-foreign-office-239373/1
Speaker: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/parliament-of-the-euk-203529/1

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Carlton is American, so he has no idea what any of this means