[城市论坛第二期](City Forum)问题征集

Day 878, 00:18 Published in China China by eChina News.cn


中文版 | English Version



『城市论坛』来自于香港港台制作的长寿节目,逢星期日风雨无间,于港九各地作户外直播 。宗旨在于鼓励言论自由,反映民意。

信息部将以『城市论坛』之名,于每星期就广受社会人士关注的论题,举行公开答问,以解 答大家对政府的意见和问题等等。





1. The Samurai:前总统,昨日刚刚出任副总统。中国移动部队( CMC)总指挥。

2. Cynosure II:前任议员,对军队建设高度关注,本周以来多次展开有关e中国军队建设的辩论。曾自荐担任国防部长。建议大家提问前阅读他的辩论,了解他的想法以便提问。

3. Jameson L. Tai:澳大利亚国军最高级军队DropBears的副指挥官。

我们对各位嘉宾的来到表示热烈欢迎(呱唧呱唧……)!欢迎大家对各位嘉宾提出问题,我 们推荐的话题是西澳大利亚之战的教训、e澳大利亚和e中国的军队建设等。当然,也欢迎 别的问题!

二、 民众问题征集

如往常一样,我们仍然征集民众对于政府的问题(对于国会的问题并非不欢迎,但是我们将 于第四期邀请现任议长Purple Watermelon作客城市论坛,建议大家将问题留待第四期)。

征集期间:对于嘉宾和政府的问题征集阶段将从北京时间4月16日15: 30起持续 24小时。
提问规则:1. 对嘉宾的问题:请指明具体需要请谁回答(示范:请The Samurai回答:作为上届总统,本届任副总统,请问你的偶像是否是普京?);对所 有嘉宾的总问题数上限为20,每人只限提2个问题(给更 多的人机会提问);
2. 对政府的提问:建议问题问得具体,这样回答才能更具体。对政府提问的总 问题数上限也为20个,每人限提2个问题

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English version:

Dear citizens of eChina,

Hello! Here is the second week of the City Forum.

The City Forum will serve as a platform for citizens to express their opinions. The Ministry of Information will organize a press conference in each week to answer your questions towards the government.

This week, there are two parts.

I. Guests

We have invited three guests to come here and answer your questions.

(1) The Samurai, our former Country President, who was appointed as the Vice President yesterday; commander of the China Mobile Corps (CMC);

(2) Cynosure II, a former senate, who showed great concern about the military construction of eChina in his recent debates and recommended himself as the Minister of SinoDefence;

(3) Jameson L. Tai, the deputy commander of the DropBears, the elite military force of Australia.

Warmly welcome our guests! Our recommended topics for the questions toward the guests are: what we can learn from the battle of West Australia; their opinions on the construction of military forces, etc. Of course, you may raise other questions 🙂

II. Questions toward the Government

As usual, we will also collect your questions toward the government. (Questions toward the congress are not recommended, because we will invite the current Speaker, Purple Watermelon to come here in our forth week and you may leave your questions then.)

The period for raising questions will last for 24 hours starting from Apr. 16, 15:30 (Beijing Time).
Raise your questions by leaving a comment here.
Some rules:
1. Questions toward the guests: please specify whom you want to ask, for example, “To The Samurai: you were the Country President last month and now serve as the Vice President. Is Mr. Putin your idol?); for all guests, we will pick out the first 20 questions by time sequence and everyone may only ask two questions, to give other people more opportunities;
2. Questions toward the government: try to be specific, and you will get more specific answers. We will also pick out the first 20 questions by time sequence and everyone may only ask two.

Translated by Dandelion Ou

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