[ANTI-cheat] We made a stand, and it payed off... again!

Day 1,043, 04:29 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Nattramn News has once again played an important role in the defense of legitimate players against multi-account users. Recently we've seen bans on Benzei and several of his multi-accounts. Not all of these, but the majority, have been reported due to the research made by me as well as other members of our community.

Uzor, born dec 24, 2009.
Arnee2, born jan 10, 2010
enra, born jan 10, 2010
Splintan, born feb 6, 2010
Isike, born jan 22, 2010
MisterBGF, born dec 26, 2009
nigraboi321, born sep 13, 2010
anhilato, born jul 12, 2010
ado4321, born sep 13, 2010
jass123, born sep 13, 2010

We have reasons to believe that these are just a small number of his (and his friends?) total number of illegitimate accounts. Unfortunately, we can't proove anything and will let the admins do their own investigations to check which proxys and IP's that can be linked.

Bpaw-corporation was one of Benzeis organisations. Unfortunately, it has not been banned yet and has thus been "emptied". It would be worthwhile for admins to check which transactions that have been made through the money markets to put an even larger dent in Benzeis multi operation.

Unfortunately, these problems are common. We need to put an end to it.

It is not a coincidence that Benzei started several new accounts 2 days before our party president election. He was definitely aiming to take over a smaller party and this could have had drastic effects on our recent congress election. Fortunately for us, the admins were on their toes this time. But how will it be in the future?

We need to wake up and make a firmer stand against all forms of cheating!

Especially now that several new countries are in the process of being implemented in the game. These countries won't stand a chance against the advanced multi tactics that we've seen from some of the largest countries in the eWorld, like Serbia, Russian, Hungary, Romania and several others.

We can't change the world on our own...

...but we Swedes can at least do whatever lies within our power to secure our own soil and report all suspicious multi accounts. We need to become better at checking new accounts and communicate with new players. We need to inform the community so that everyone fully understands the dire consequences of tolerating multis, or at least tolerating "some" of the multis... which seems to be the case today.

If you're a serious player, please don't fall for the temptation of creating "extra" accounts!

We don't need more accounts.
We need more players.

Please sub and vote if you're in favor of clearing the field and allowing players who follow the rules to set the agenda for how this game should be played in the future.


For more info about Nattramn News ANTI-cheat project, check out these previous articles:

[ANTI-cheat] We made a stand, and it payed off!
Abuse and a welcome to the S(w)erbish multis