Day 2,391, 17:14 Published in USA USA by OfficerFriendly

Required Listening


Molly Emma has been unanimously chosen as the Queen of the eUS. All other CP elections will be held according to their regular schedule, but ME will forever hold the official, illustrious title of Eternal God-Queen-Empress.

Thank you for your time, and God Save the Queen.


Our Queen, adorned in her Flower Crown

To all of you that live underneath a rock: the AMP’s official CP candidate Molly Emma has won the June 2014 eUS Presidential Election. It was a very close race between ME and our very own John Largo, with the two being a mere 17 votes apart in the final count.

There were a total of 1113 votes cast in this month’s election. All in all, around 200 more people turned out for the June CP election than last month’s. In other words, you missed one hell of an exciting race.

And you really need to find a better Summer home…

The AMP would like to extend a sincere congratulations to Molly on her second consecutive CP victory, and we wish her nothing but success in the coming month. Knock ‘em dead girl.

Also, a congratulations goes out to our fellow AMPer, John Largo, on a well-run campaign. You can check out his “concession speech” in his latest article. Good luck next time Mr. Largo.
In other news, the AMP is still accepting applications for official party jobs, as well as in-game commune jobs (more often known as AMP Careers) that pay up to 75cc per day!

To help out your party, fill out an application for a job in any of the AMP’s four official departments here.

To get more information on AMP Careers follow the link below:
Here are a couple ways you can win free stuff from the AMP!

Win up to 10 Gold in the official AMP bi-weekly lottery by simply entering three digits in our forums here:

Also win up to 10 Gold by joining the AMP World Cup Bracket Challenge by next Thursday. The best 4 brackets at the end of the tournament all win free stuff:
Looking for supplies? Look no further!

The AMP Food and Tank Program is giving away up to 600 wellness and 3 Q7 tanks per day to any AMPer that fills out the form below. But, any eUS citizen can still request 300 wellness per day here:

The GTA (Give these AMPers Tanks) Program is also giving away 7 Q7 tanks per day to any American who posts on the AMP forums at least twice:
And, finally, the June Party Presidential Primary has begun on the AMP forums. Got ideas about how the party should be run? Go nominate a fellow AMPer that you’d like to see in charge:

Thanks for reading. I know that last time I said my next article would be about the World Cup. But, RL happens. However, I've already started working on my World Cup predictions article that should be published in time for the start of the tournament. Stick around.

Oh, and don’t forget to ✯✯✯ Feel the AMPS! ✯✯✯