[AMM4CP] Rebuild: My Official Announcement

Day 1,257, 16:34 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

(100% photo credit goes to Wally Cleaver for this AMAZING campaign poster)

The Canadian Military

Hello eCanada,

I come before you today, to state my intent of running Country President on the 5th of May, 2011.

The past few days have been an absolute massacre; I have gone from running alongside a viable Country President hopeful (Acacia Mason) - to all of a sudden not running at all - to now deciding that I will give it all I can, and try to make a 5-day presidential run. Will this be challenging? Absolutely. Will it take a great amount of determination and a great deal of enthusiasm? Absolutely. Am I ready for it? You bet I am.

OVER THE NEXT 5 DAYS, I will be releasing a series of article, that will pertain to different "planks" of my Presidential Platform; Our Economy, our Military, and our Social Affairs. For now, I wish to give a brief overview of what I will be talking about, in each of these articles.

-The bond between Canada, and the United States of America, is a strong and forceful bond, that no other two countries could possibly compare to. On multiple occasions, we have fought alongside each other, on home territory and foreign territory - all for the better of our 2 great nations. If elected as Country President, I would make it my duty, to retain and strengthen the ties between our 2 Countries (as I hope that all my fellow hopefuls will do).

-The United Kingdom has recently been ejected from TERRA - and has started to align itself with ONE/NWO countries. Now, I am not making any promises here... but if The United Kingdom OFFICIALLY joins ONE and becomes hostile towards Canada subsequently, then you can bet yourself that Canada will be at London's doorstep (since afterall, War stimulates our eEconomy!)

-I would like to further align Canada with TERRA, as we slowly start to regress out of EDEN. Why? Terra is more influential on the battlefield, and is more relevant to our needs and our wants as a country. Although I do not wish to sever ALL EDEN ties, I would like to say that I WILL try to make eCanada more "Terra" oriented!

-TCO...CAF...HOPE... I can guarantee you an increase of funding if elected, plain and simple. No ifs, ands, or buts. You are all extremely beneficial to our economy and our citizens, and to NOT increase funding, would literally be depriving our own country of its (one of many) greatest groups.

-Long story short, our Economy is in a terrible state, and we need to do something about that, as I will describe. My goal will be to help revert our current CA😨GOLD ratio (1 GOL😨300 CAD) - though I can not give a number at this time, I can say I will try to simply improve this, by the means of what I will describe below

-I want to reduce all VAT to 10%, and in compensation, raise ALL INCOME TAXES to 5% (I have complied a spreadsheet, which will detail this further - this option of taxes will offer us MORE profit/funds to work with, with LESS gouging going on to the eCanadian public)

-I want to work alongside Addy Lawrence, by making sure the BOND program stays in effect, to help stabilize our markets - this was a fantastic initiative, and should certainly be continued (but this time, we should work it out, so more people can buy the bonds - an idea that Addy Lawrence has already expressed)

-On average, eCanada receives 6 new members every single day, but, where do they all go? They die off. I want to change that, since the more citizen we have, the easier it will be to stabilize our economy (more people working, more revenue, more total CAD available to work with, etc..)

-Running health care programs consistently. The NCAP initiative is one, in which I will be continuing with. This is a great way to help new citizens progress and grow - as this NCAP initiative will involve not only FOOD to citizens, but MENTORS to people who need it, and GUNS/WEAPONS to an extent

-Transparency: my minister of communication will work tirelessly to inform all eCanadians of the events that go on "behind closed doors", in order to build that bond of TRUST and RESPECT between the community and the government. After all, if the citizens can not trust its government - what kind of country is that?

Thank you eCanada for reading this,
my next article (involving our military), will be out sometime tomorrow.

Thank you for your time.

CP hopeful

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