[ONE] Clarifications on Sweden and Poland

Day 1,611, 12:00 Published in Poland Spain by Siddy Tramero

Warning: Lenghty Article.
EDIT: Format errors fixed.
EDIT: TL😉R version at the end


My name is Siddy and I'm the Secretary General of ONE.

Considering you probably had heard comments on the situation of Sweden and Poland, and those have been biased

comments, I'll try to give you a brief explanation of everything that happened and how things are being solved.
I'll also try to adress all the concerns that were adressed to me and things not true that were said.
Although I think that dirty things must be keeped behind nice curtains, that is not possible anymore due to the logs of a private meeting being published in public by Jegarmister. That's just one of the many irresponsible things done in the past days.

This is the recall of the entire history.

1. At the end of March Snaskefar (March Swedish Country President (CP) ) asked me on "a TW".

[21:12] Can I starta a TW to gain some bonuses without ones approval?
01[21:16] well
01[21:16] how can you win bonuses on a TW?
[21:43] Yeah
[21:43] In germark
[21:44] I want and can get fruit and fish
[21:44] no regions that anybody need
01[21:48] does genmark agree?
[21:48] Well im a good friend to the cp so that shouldnt be any problem
01[21:48] in that case no problem
01[21:48] but close the war ASAP
[21:49] well ofc
[21:49] I know that poland and everybody want their part

This conversation was the only one on the "contract" and was taken by Snaskefar as word that I've approved the contract with Germany. That is an obvious lie as I was misled to think that it was just a TW where sweden would get fish and fruits, and never the fact that Denmark would be "protected" was mentioned, nor the formal agreement. Also notice that Snaskefar never wanted ONE approval, but to start the TW on their own without ONE approval, a thing I agreed on.

2. At the beggining of April the contract appeared from nowhere. ONE had not approved it, but we neither acted against it. We told Sweden though that we could not and would not guarantee those terms as ONE. We told Sweden a zillion times not to attack Saxony in any case.

One of the many examples of this case

01[19:28] also
01[19:28] Lonestar[SWE-MoD]
01[19:28] can you assure
01[19:28] that sweden won't attack saxony?
11[19:29] Siddy[HQ][SG], this is our deal with Germany
[19:29] 2. Sweden will hold 3 regions: Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, Brandenburg and Berlin, Mecklenburg Western-Pommerania. These regions will not be given up at any moment to any other country.
[19:29] So ye, we waont
[19:29] Maybe just one day if we get the bonusregions fast and not be able to end the NE
[19:29] But then we will RW it fast
[19:30] just attack some other region
[19:30] don't attack saxony
[19:30] you border others
[19:30] if you attack saxony it will be like waving a red flag at the bull

Thaimat gets elected as new Swedish CP.

3. After some days, Thaimat disappears completely, and no one apparently has its password, anoter big mistake from Swedish govt. Lemlin is acting CP and Thaimat gets impeached and succeded by the next president, who is a 2clicker. No one has the account of the 2clicker either except him, but he doesn't log often.

4. The 16th Poland NEs Germany and in #swe.mofa Poland and Sweden talk on the regions they should take. Poland wants BaB to secure a 2-wide corridor to Germany and Sweden want to keep their fruit region. I offer an agreement in which Sweden keeps BaB for the time being and if Poland considers in a week that Saxony is too difficult to mantain in a RW we would meet again to discuss it. Both sides accept it. That agreement left Sweden with both bonuses. I tell them again to NOT attack Saxony.

5. The swedish 2clicker CP doesn't log in all the day and the autoattack kicks in considering that nobody had their password. In a terirble stroke of bad luck the autoattacked region is Saxony, which Germany proptly loses by hitting in Swedish side.

6. Thomas765 (Military Commander of ONE) and I (Secretary General of ONE) decide to RW Brandemburg and Berlin so the Polish NE to pass and Sweden could RW Saxony so they could recover BaB eventually. We set orders in BaB to hit

for Germany

7. Swedish Minister of Defence Lonestar, who had access to the ONE orders doc due to being a permanent adviser in the HQ, when neither I or Thomas765 were online, and without any permission from me, Thomas765 or the other two MCs ShadowStalkerr or Marvin`, decided to TAMPER the ONE official orders as a High Priority battle editing the


8. Not content with this, Sweden, trough their Minsitry of Defence, hires Mercenaries with Swedish public money to fight AGAINST ONE orders.

9. Maniek M, a known Polish Troll, launches a NE proposal against Sweden. Lots of congressmen vote for in spite of this meaning Poland would lose all their ONE MPPs and their chance to help allies in a completely irresponsible move.

10. Sweden launches it's own NE in retaliation, but gets voted down

11. The famous meeting where the logs were leaked was held.

At this time it was clear that the "Swedish Govt" wasn't in control of Sweden. My first proposal was:

17:46] HQ would like to propose the following plan
[17:46] 1. we RW Saxony ASAP and put it as highest priority
[17:46] 2. Poland NEs Germany again
[17:47] 3. The nearest free day, we RW BaB and Poland gets it
[17:47] Yesterday I did say that it was not necessary to RW BaB right now until we saw a risk of us not achieving the wanted result on a battle
[17:47] today just happened that
[17:47] that justifies RWing BaB away
[17:48] Objection! But I guess that is they way the world works, not the first time ONE HQ goes the Poland way and removes bonuses for Sweden just since Poland wants two routes.
[17:48] justifies?
[17:49] [18:32] Swedish govt
[17:49] [18:32] is 100% to blame
[17:49] [18:32] for it
[17:49] [18:32] Yea we are
[17:49] [18:32] We don't deny that
[17:49] Sweden will not have a region that can block Poland until they show they can have a govt not to blame of things

That is, Sweden loses fruit in order to give Poland safety and Sweden could recover their fruit region when they had a valid govt again.

Poland does not agree on it and PierreDzoncy starts, blided by rage, to throw shit everywhere without listening anyone. I stopped reading the channel until Pierre calmed, which took a while.

Sweden meanwhile, suggests Poland to take their route trough Slovakia, making Slovakia lose bonus so Sweden could keep the bonus they risked due to swedish sheer govt incompetence.

The meeting was, mostly, Bullshit by both sides and a show of how diplomacy has degenerated along with the game.

At last, PierreDzoncy comes with a rather revanchist offer who is accepted by all sides.

[18:40] [19:37:23] ok here are my terms:
[18:40] [19:37:33] sweden will leave german cores
[18:40] [19:37:38] sweden will take denmark
[18:40] [19:37:45] sweden
[18:40] [19:37:54] will withdraw treaty with germany
[18:41] I will accept these terms
[18:41] well
[18:41] HQ accepts those terms
[18:41] PierreDzoncy: it's accepted by all parties

Those terms were agreed by Jegarmister in behalf of Sweden. Jegarmister NEVER said that they would have to be

ratified by congress or CP.

Lonestar gets kicked from the channel at the request of Jegarmister, who said that would destroy the meeting and that he was no MoD anymore.

Polish MoFA starts redacting a lenghty article on the situation. We find Swedish MoFA who also agrees

[01:27] I looked at the document and found it fair. Its not our war to fight even though we had a deal with gremany we were happy with.
[01:27] And there will be published articles in the matter as well
[01:27] I think we have an understanding to thois uncomfertable situation

So everyone is happy and I can go to sleep.

12. Jegarmister reappears denouncing the already published article because Congress must accept it (a thing he didn't notice us when he accepted). Most plausible explanation: Seen that Swedish population was against and did a populist (and idiot) move to save his ass. He takes logs of the whole meeting and gives them to Snaskefar, who makes them public. Thus, Jergarmister and Snaskefar join the club of "people who should not get a mile near a govt" along Lonestar and Thaimat.

13. RWs keep getting opened at Slesvig by Very-Fast-Clicking-TEDEN-members

14. I write this shit after being laughed at by dermont.


1. ONE will keep the agreement and try to provide Poland a passage to Germany
2. ONE is open and willing to make a new agreement which gives Sweden both Fish and Fruit as long as Sweden has a stable, real, CP-capable Govt.
3. In any case any nation can be held collectively responsible for a bad government or congress decision. That is specially true by Sweden, as they cannot be held forever responsible for the lacking of their non-govt.

and my personal conclusions are:

1. Sweden has broken the ONE charter more times than I can count. That's rather surprising seeing how concerned they are on not breaking their agreement with Germany

2. Sweden has no govt and it has shown it several times. That's the main thing to blame, the non-govt of Sweden. I think that a satisfactory option with Sweden having fruit will be reached easily as soon as they get a decent govt. I will happily stop complaining on Spanish govts being the worst ever after this show.

3. Indonesia gives free weekly classes on Diplomacy. I reccommend some polish statesmen to take those.

4. IMHO the final polish offer is not logical. I expect waters to calm down and an alternative offer to be adopted. The NE vote was also non logical.

5. Lonestar was obviously kicked from ONE HQ.

6. I have been threatened to be banned from the game from my statements on I having used CP accounts to attack at bad times or to control them in cases they disappear. Of course I have done that but everyone did and keeps doing it today. What's more ironical is that I guess the threat comes from TEDEN whcih wants to ban me, when every time I logged into a former Spanish CP account but one was when Spain was in EDEN and with the allowance and blessing of the EDEN HQ at that time. In any case, if I get banned from this idiotic show of papism and application of idiotic rules by a bunch of people who tollerate known botmasters who take pride on that, dermont should send the bouquet of flowers to Snaskefar and Jagermister.



Secretary General of ONE.