
Day 881, 04:44 Published in China China by eChina News.cn


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『城市论坛』来自于香港港台制作的长寿节目,逢星期日风雨无间,于港九各地作户外直播 。宗旨在于鼓励言论自由,反映民意。

信息部将以『城市论坛』之名,于每星期就广受社会人士关注的论题,举行公开答问,以解 答大家对政府的意见和问题等等。


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1. The Samurai:前总统,刚出任副总统。中国移动部队( CMC)总指挥。

2. Cynosure II:前任议员,对军队建设高度关注,本周以来多次展开有关e中国军队建设的辩论。曾自荐担任国防部长

3. Jameson L. Tai:澳大利亚国军最高级军队DropBears的副指挥官。

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1. lancerr:可否让大雄建立一个小型试点,十人或者二十人进行他的理论实验。然后 充分采取计划参与者的实际经验进行分析,探讨可行性。即便最后不成功,也可以堵住某些 人的嘴,更重要的是为EC积累宝贵的改革经验。

wangxiaoyaII(总统):我觉得任何时候任何人想对ec的现状进行任何改革 都是应该值得赞扬和鼓励的。有很多事情并不需要政府才能去做。比如拉10-20个志同 道合的军人成立一个战斗小组,在一个公司工作、一起战斗,这是只要有心就可以去做的, 这只需要一个管理者,和另外9个有兴趣的人即可。政府没有任何理由和动机阻止这样的尝 试。

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2. zhengself:请大雄先生回答:你一直赞成所谓的罗马尼亚模式,但是很多人对该 模式能不能在ec实行 一怀疑,请问大雄先生有没有能力集结一部分人,按照罗马尼亚模式搞一下,以此来向政府 证明,该模式是可以实现的。如果不行,那么请大雄先生解释,既然你连十数位民众都不能 组织好,那么有什么理由要求政府来组织1w余ec国民来参加这么模式?据罗马尼亚模式 所知,他们的企业资金也都是自筹的,所以我想,大雄先生在资金问题上应该也不会有问题 的。

Cynosure II:他的回答链接在这里
关于CynosureII答复的解释:这里只给链接,是因为之前跟CynosureI I的交流中,其实他比较倾向于以辩论的形式来进行问答。鉴于他在报纸中的回复有许多人 发表的观点,我们觉得请大家去他的报纸,也许比在这里贴出他的答复,要来得更加全面。 也许,也更符合CynosureII自己的期待。

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3. masterqq:Jameson L. Tai,你好!能否介绍一下澳大利亚军的部队建制(比如有党军么),以及后勤组织(训 练补贴有么、谁出钱?作战时呢)?

Jameson L. Tai:澳洲国防部分三队训练/行事。进入国军需要某些基本条件:第一就是需要是澳洲 公民,不能参与/参加其他军事组织的任务(包括跨国国军,私军团,党军等)。 与美军的七队国防部军队(训练军,国民警卫军,移动步军,两队陆军,空降步军,和海军 陆战队),加上美国议会指定军队(ST6,ST7,等等)和多种党军例如美国联邦党军 (EZC)相比, 澳洲的军队比较简单。澳洲军队分三队,分为负责训练新兵的低级军队(AAR 澳洲后备军队, L4+, 军士+)、负责训练中级兵的军队(ACUK 澳洲树熊突击队, L9+, 上校+, 能随时出国)和负责护国和帮助澳洲盟国的高级军队(DropBears 澳洲高级树熊军队, L12+, 元帅, 能随时出国)。澳洲的确有私军团 (例如Dingo Militia), 但没有党军。国军会照高中低级军队分配枪备、机票甚至礼物来出战。如果去外国出战的话 , 战事国出钱缴付所有或部份军事费用。对友好国家出战时,国防部也会缴付部份费用,通常 所有中级和高级军兵们每天都有五把Q3或以上的枪备作为训练。训练补贴是适合低级军队 所用,只是用国防部的军厂枪备捐给活跃军兵,但没有训练目标。

>>对于EC成立党军, 我觉得有几个看法。因为我曾在EC成立过私军团, 所以我对这个话题比较感兴趣。党军和私军团其实在参谋、后勤或资金上没有任何分别。除 了党军能在党内直接推销之外,所有私军团都会遇到以下的难题:
* 资金不能在党内户口捐出, 一定要由党组织捐出, 而因为没有额外收入, 不能长期单独支付费用。
* 党内需要长期稳定性领导人员,否则每个月党主席选举后党军的方向、指挥官等等会跟着变 为政治军队, 而不是为国家服务。
* 除了资金之外,私军团对于军备(手枪, 机票, 礼物等等)不足的解决方法就是成立军备厂(枪厂,铁厂,油厂等等),用生产出来的产品 捐给军兵。 但这个办法不能解决,因为员工不一定愿意做低资奴工,捐完剩余的产品的出售价不能弥补 本金和捐出产品的开销,这使到公司/党组织逐渐面临财政赤字的危机。
* 军兵没有任何原因在接受军备后完全服从军令,而在私军团里是没有任何执法权力。
* 唯一出路就是靠国家出钱负担开支。

>>在我的私人看法, 觉得党军的结构不够, 因而会逐渐关闭,或合并到国防军或其他比较成功的私军团中。强大的私军团, 如果带有政治影响, 也有机会行使政权来合并为政府资助的军事组织(想想看, 国家有税收, 如果能减低开支, 党方应该会有所行动)。

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4. zhengself:对前总统武士先生的提问:您是怎么看待目前ec的军队建设的,作 为移动的指挥官,你认 为现在中国移动的组织是什么水平。对于党军、私军,您是怎么看待的,谢谢。

The Samurai:移动部队的建设仍然在非常初步的阶段。我认为移动部队按照经费来源, 组织程度,可以分为低中高三个阶段 。第一阶段,是完全依靠国家拨款,组织上配设后勤部进行枪械和机票等物资的发放,配合 军报进行军令的传达。基本属于动员民众型的移动作战,目标明确,指令 透明而且单一。第二阶段,经济上应该是逐渐脱离国家拨款,进入拨款+友邦援助的模式, 这样减轻了国家财 政的压力,组织上逐渐脱离军报模式,通过由指挥官的 PM或者聊天软件进行军令的发布。这样对部队成员有 了更高的活跃度要求,这个阶段的移动部队已经不再是 “铺伤害”的民众,看到军令即可立刻行动,而是可以 观察战况进行Hold fire,按照战况改变,选择不同方式进行输出。同 时,指挥官不仅仅是传达军令的工具,而且需要跟盟军 合作,对部队剩余战斗力进行统计和交流,分析接下来 作战的可能性。第三阶段为自给自足的军屯农场模式。 因为超高的活跃度,和普遍8技能以上的高生产力,罗 马尼亚的移动部队做到了自给自足并留有盈利,完全能 够脱离国家拨款,进行持续地全球移动伤害。同时,军 队的组织,已经达到了灵活运动的地步,通过聊天软件 ,几乎所有士兵都在关键战斗中在线待命,不仅能进行 最后30分钟,15分钟5分钟内的梯段性输出,也能 快速在战局不利的时候,1小时内转战其他战场。这样 ,移动部队组织具备了后勤,指令发放,对外交流,军 企管理等多方面任务。延续1,
比如,克罗地亚攻击斯洛伐克,中国 组织的数十万伤害,就是通过国家拨款,军令指挥送出 去的准移动部队。这必须要在战略目的十分明确的时候 ,才能进行。其优点,是以最小的花费,造成了最大的 伤害,但是缺点,则是1短暂破坏国家经济,2让敌人 能洞悉我方的战略目标,3。在盟军放弃后无法停止输 出。
而中国CNDA第一次援助澳大利亚 (最 近这一次为第二次援助澳大利亚,目的为防守印度尼西亚攻击 ),进攻巴西占领的南非高铁,则逐渐向第二阶段进步 。不仅联系了盟军的补偿和物资支持,而且,指挥官在 战斗进程中,与盟军指挥官有进一步的交流,互相通报 剩余伤害量以决定下一步的物资投入力度。
而 现在的CMC军队,仍然在努力向第二阶段前进。第二 次援助澳大利亚的移动费用全部为自筹,并与各方指挥 官保持了长时间的联系,在几个战场中,通过战局变化 进行了战场的转移。
党军,应该是国家军队不 可或缺的补充。在国家拨款有限的情况下,以政党为依 托的军队能独立有效地提供充沛的伤害,高活跃度的小 型化党军,加上政党的凝聚力,经济实力,几乎能够凌 驾于国家军队的战斗力以上。国家省钱,战时由防长对 党军和私军领导人进行指令的通报,战后进行部分补偿 ,也能够让党军和私军融入军事作战部署。

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5. ryan_cps:The Samurai:eChina的军队输出怎样?刚刚day877内蒙之战,Serbi a打出88万点伤害,同时镇压了印度起义。中移能对抗得到吗?以现的训练方式,你预计 甚么时候达到Serbia现在的水平?

The Samurai:对于现在国防军编制的伤害情况,我不清楚。我所负责 的移动部队是隶属国防军的一部分,正式编制20人, 伤害为每日3-5万。塞尔维亚整个国家的日伤害30 0万以上,能够同时应付至少3场中国等级的作战,我 国的最大移动伤害,应该不及塞的10%,独立作战无 法对塞尔维亚造成威胁,不仅是中国,任何一国的移动 部队,都无法独立撼动塞尔维亚的防守,这样友邦移动 部队的统一行动才是胜利的关键,EMC,或者美加移 动部队的数场胜利,都是各国通力合作的结果,将来中 国的移动部队将会加入其中。不仅为军事上的目标而努 力战斗,也加深了跟各国的外交联系。
达 到塞 尔维亚现在的水平,必须要人口基数相等才能实现。否 则赶超塞尔维亚将永远是个梦。增加新玩家,留住旧玩 家,是每届政府的首要工作。据我所知,训练速度最快 的罗马尼亚(所有军人每日全部Q1武器作战训练), 也不敢奢望跟塞尔维亚进行一对一的较量。

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6. ryan_cps:Jameson L. Tai:以澳洲的经验,军队打仗压秒影响大吗?你支持压秒打仗这方式吗?

Jameson L. Tai:压秒式打仗也有很积极的效果。 所以军队普遍都用这个办法在最后一分钟分别胜负。

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7. ChinaMop:JLT: 在echina很难施展你的抱负吗?主要困难有哪些?

Jameson L. Tai:EC作为一个国家,并不像一个国家办事。在多方面失体,内阁议会无所分辩, 外交上变成笑话, 军事领导放假两个月?!?!?!?

>>某位高登党员跟我说过一句话: “认真就会输”。

>>EC政坛太执着现实生活上的话题, 太认真办事, 等到所有国民讨厌后又怎么办呢? 还是要收拾烂摊子。那为什么要弄糟呢?

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8. Roger Chan:The Samurai:党军在军事行动上是否必须得到gov的认同?

The Samurai:我的愚见,党军日常行动不需要得到政府的认同。各国 都有自发组织的佣兵团体,或者义勇军。国家并不对非 政府军的行动负责。出现重要战役的大量异常输出,则 需要国家通过外交方式与友国进行联系,对私军行动达 成谅解。

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9. Roger Chan:JLT:你认为EC的军事实力能否打败澳洲的军队?

Jameson L. Tai:不够。军事实力上不够,军事参谋上不够,军事领导上不够,就算单对单(不用M PP, 不用外国军兵),EC实质上人力物力不够。

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10. or_yaf:请问政府有没有公务员的薪酬计划,或近期制定的打算。
目前EC公共管理方面的人员主要都是凭自己的爱好进行义务工作,时间长了容易对 工作疲 劳,建议利用国家财政给公共管理的人员发薪水。

wangxiaoyaII(总统):有打算在近期在议会论坛提出公务员薪资的问题。不 同部门,将采取不同的奖励措施。比如教育部,每天的工作相对固定,会采取月薪制。比如 军部,战时忙、平时闲,考虑采取按照出勤次数(比如发枪次数)付工资。这一切都要经过 议会的严格审核。我将努力使这份报告更详细、合理,以便能得到更多议员的支持。

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11. wjqcool:请问Jameson L. Tai:如果有华人希望在e澳洲出生生活,你个人和国家会进行照顾吗

Jameson L. Tai:澳洲在军事、政治和经济上都有国立大学课程。如果有兴趣的朋友们想尝试在澳洲 出生的话, 现在是很好的时机。军事上澳印战争对培训新玩家是大好时机。政治上能在没有PTO的时 机时参政。 而在战争时代, 军备公司基本上是一个很好的生意良机。

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12. Haferkorn:JLT:我了解到你对后勤管理相对比较有经验,我想问下你认为A CUK目前的后勤制度 是否是最佳的?你对CNDA的后勤管理有何意见?

Jameson L. Tai:我现在是DropBears的副指挥官, 所以对ACUK的详细后勤制度没有足够的了解。但我离开CNDA的时候,基本上已经没 有什么组织阶层了。可能我走后他们实施了新制度,但CNDA的前途比较难想象。

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13. Xenon Ng:Cynosure II:会否尽快加入政府,推行自己的想法?你预期你的想法,有多少能最终在e中国实行 ?

Cynosure II:他的回答链接在这里

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14. pulupulu:请问政府:近期是否有计划加入兄弟盟或EDEN?感觉奉行“中立” 的eC在全球政治中 参与度较低,新人代入感较差。

wangxiaoyaII(总统):“中立”与否并不是问题。我们将与与我们有共同利 益的国家合作、一起对抗我们共同的敌人。cmc的成立,正是要加强这种合作。目前,e Us与eden的关系有所恢复,这对我们 来说是一个好消息。如果eden尤其是当中的ePoland能跟eUSA彻底冰释前嫌 ,我们会考虑重提加入兄弟盟或者eden的事宜。另:如此重大的议题应该是需经过全民 公投才行。

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15. niconico:问政府: 有打算和印度结盟及签MPP吗?

wangxiaoyaII(总统):目前还没有。无节制的签订mpp并不能对国家的安 全带来太多好处,因为一个国家通常只能关注于同一个战场,mpp太多反而会造成伤害的 分散。如何在保证国家安全的情况下适当控制支出,是现任政府和议会当前的共同目标之一 。另外,保留印度的战争状态,对以后换地也有好处。

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16. Ashwu:请问系统或者玩家如何保证国家相关组织号的安全的,比如央行等。

wangxiaoyaII(总统):无头鸡曾经提供以合同的方式来保证国家相关组织号 的安全。目前合同法已经取消,但我想admin仍会对国有组织号尤其是央行保持一定的 关注。从政府来讲,我们会采取更明确 、详细的分工来解决问题,比如最近我们建立了一系列组织号,分管战争费用、行政费用, 以此来分散风险,明确责任。

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17. PsyLai:一般问题:何为国家机密, 有那些信息能被公开, 那些不能, 而且是谁有权界定?

wangxiaoyaII(总统):其实能称得上国家机密的内容很少,绝大部分议题都 是能公开而且应当公开的。但是discuz论坛的不够友好造成了目前议题公开不够及时 的现状。我建议议会出一份专门的报纸,用于每天在游戏里介绍议会论坛的议题状况。当然 ,也一少部分信息是不能实时公开的,比如与盟国的军事配合、CIA的一些工作情况。这 将由政府决定公开的方式和时间

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18. momochi:提问JLT: 目前中国军队训练和作战资金的审批常常受到一些人诟病,不知道你在澳洲和以前在美国时 的资金拨款是如何进行的?

Jameson L. Tai:美国的军事费用是每三个月作出预算案,分给所有国防部的军队。议会审核批准后 给CBO(议会预算办公室)处理/包办。开战是由总统的特别国防预算费用账户来负费。 其实这个办法我觉得是我看了十多个国家的系统中最完善的。

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19. MaxHoTo:提问Cynosure II: 你认为EC有什么是最迫切要做的呢?

Cynosure II:他的回答链接在这里

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20. MaxHoTo:提问Jameson L. Tai: 能说一下澳洲现在情况如何?未来有什么计划?

Jameson L. Tai:澳洲还在和凤凰派分子战斗,分别有澳印战争、 南非与阿根廷/巴西战争等等,军事上策划很重要。 重点现在已不是听从EDEN军方办事。虽然澳洲还没退出EDEN, 但他们亲Brolliance多过亲EDEN。澳洲EMC成员还会代澳方和E方出战, 但要看国际局势分解才能慢慢策划未来的发展。

English version:

Dear citizens of eChina,

Hello! Here is the second week of the City Forum.

The City Forum will serve as a platform for citizens to express their opinions. The Ministry of Information will organize a press conference in each week to answer your questions towards the government.

This week, we invited three guests.

(1) The Samurai, our former Country President, who was appointed as the Vice President yesterday; commander of the China Mobile Corps (CMC);

(2) Cynosure II, a former senate, who showed great concern about the military construction of eChina in his recent debates and recommended himself as the Minister of SinoDefence;

(3) Jameson L. Tai, the deputy commander of the DropBears, the elite military force of Australia.

The following are the 20 questions for this week.

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Q = question; A = answer

1. lancer: Q to the government: Is it possible that we let Cynosure II implement a pilot program, which may only involve 10 to 20 people. We can analyze the experience of the participants and perform a feasibility study. No matter whether it will succeed or not, we can earn some experience for EC.

A by wangxiaoyaII (Country President): I believe anyone who wants to perform any reform on the status quo of eC should be encouraged at any time. It is not that only the government may do it. A team with 10 or 20 people working and fighting together only requires the determination and a manager, as well as enough interested people. The government will never prevent such an attempt.

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2. zhengself: Q to Cynosure II: As you always support the “eRomanian model”, a lot of people doubt if it is suitable for EC. I am wondering if you can gather a small group of people and run it in the eRomanian model, so that you can prove that it is feasible. If you cannot do it, can you explain why you ask the government to organize +10,000 EC citizens to do so while you can’t even organize 10 to 20 people? Here I would like to notice Cynosure II that in the Romanian model, they funded the company on their own. I think you should not have problem in the funding.

A by Cynosure II: link

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3. masterqq: Q to Jameson L. Tai: Could you please explain the structure of the Australian military forces? Do they have party army? How about the supports, such as allowance for training and fighting? At whose cost?

A by Jameson L. Tai: In Australia, the Ministry of Defense divides the army into three groups for training. To join the Australian army, there are some requirements. First, the applicant must have the Australian citizen. Second, the applicant cannot join any other military groups (including international army, private army, party army, etc). Compared to the U.S. army (including the training army, national guards, mobile infantry, two ground troops, airborne infantry, marine, ST6, ST7, EZC, etc), the Australian army is much simpler. It is divided into three groups: AAR, which is in charge of the training of new soldiers (lv4+, Sergeant+); ACUK, which is in charge of the training of veterans (lv9+, Colonel+, able to go abroad anytime); DropBears, which is in charge of the training of elite force (lv12+, FM+, able to go abroad anytime). There are some private armies in Australia indeed (such as Dingo Militia), but no party army. In wartime, the Australian army will allocate weapons, moving tickets and even gifts to her soldiers by rank. If there are overseas operations, the belligerent states will pay all or a part of the military expenditure. When fighting for friendly countries, the Australian Ministry of Defense will pay a part of the military expenditure. Generally, all the soldiers of ACUK and DropBears will be given 5 Q3 weapons per day for training. The soldiers of AAR will be given training allowance. The weapons used for training are produced by military factory owned by the Ministry of Defense. The Australian army did not set any training target for her soldiers.

I have some opinions on the party army. I had established a private army in EC, so I am quite interested in this topic. I think that there is no difference in staff work, logistics and military expenditure between the party army and private army, expect that the party army is built on the basis of a political party. All the private armies will face the following problems.

* The military expenditure can not be allocated from the money of individuals within the party. It can only be allocated from the account of the party organization. Individuals cannot afford the military expenditure for long because there is not much extra income.
* There must be a stable leader within the party; otherwise the monthly party president election will affect the party army. The party army will become a political army but will not serve the country.
* Besides the military expenditure, the lack of military supplies will be a problem, too. The answer is to establish military factory. But this is not a good way, because the workers of the military factory will not accept the low salary. The military factory will not break even. The deficit will affect the party and the company itself.
* The soldiers may not obey the military order. And there is no law within the private army.
* The only solution is that the country pays all the military expenditure.

My personal opinion is that the party does not have a strong organizational structure. The party army will gradually be terminated or merged with the national army or other successful private armies. A strong private army with political influence may have the chance to become a military organization paid by the country. (Thinking of it, the country has tax revenues. If the party can lower the expenditure, I think the party army will have a change of development.)

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4. zhengself: Q to The Samurai: What is your opinion on the army building in EC? As the commander of CMC, how much strength does the CMC have? Could you share with us your opinions on the party army and private army?

A by The Samurai: CMC is still at its early stage. In my opinion, the CMC can be developed in three stages according to the financial support and organization.

The first stage is totally supported by the government, with a Logistics Department to allocate weapons and moving tickets, as well as an army newspaper to publish military orders. It is a stage where citizens are motivated to fight abroad, with the purpose being clear and order being simple and public.

The second stage: the financial support is based on government allocations and external assistance. This kind of financial support will reduce the financial burden of the government. The military order will be send by PM in the game or some chatting software, instead of the newspaper. The members in this army should be more active, and they can hold fire according to the situation of the battle. At the same time, the commander will not only transmit military orders, but also cooperate with alliances and calculate the total damage available in order to invest the damage more efficiently.

The third stage: the army should adopt the self-sufficiency autarky. Because of their high activity as well as 8+ skills, Romanian mobile force can support themselves fighting all around the world without any financial support from the government. The army is highly organized, so almost all soldiers can wait online, and can do damages in the last 30 minutes, or even 5-15 minutes. Also, they can move to another place within one hour according to the situation of the battlefield.

Take the attack of Croatia on Slovak for instance. EC did more than 100,000 damages, which was funded by the government and the order was made through the military newspaper. This method can be used when there is a clear strategic target. The advantage is using minimum cost to achieve highest damages, while the three main disadvantages are the damage to the national economy, military order being public and fighters being unable to stop damages even if the alliance has withdrawn.

When CNDA supported eAustralia in attacking eBrazil-held high iron region in South Africa, it was more like the second stage. CNDA got support from alliances and communicated with other forces to make decisions. The CMC is still trying to step into the second stage. In the second time supporting eAustralia (against eIndonesia), all expenses are borne by the army itself. During the battle, CMC kept long-time communication with other forces, and did strategic shift in several battles.

Talking about the party army, it is a good complementary to the national army. Due to the limitation of government support, the party army can do damages more efficiently. Sometimes, the highly active party army, with its financial ability, makes more damages than the national army. The party army and private army may coordinate with the national army if the Minister of SinoDefence transmits the order to commanders of such party army and private army, and the government pays some compensation to them.

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5. ryan_cps: Q to The Samurai: How much is the regular damage output of eChina National Defense Army (CNDA)? In the battle against Inner-Mongolia on Day 877, eSerbia made 880k damage and put down the resistance in eIndia simultaneously. How do you compare eChina Mobile Corps (CMC) to that? When do you expect the CMC to match the damage level of eSerbia based on current training program?

A by The Samurai: As for the current damage output of CNDA, I am sorry to say that I have no idea. The CMC I am in charge of is subordinate to the CNDA, having 20 members, with 30k-50k daily damage. The daily output of eSerbia is above 3000k, which is enough for facing at least three eChina-level battles at the same time. The maximum daily damage of CMC is less than 10% of that. Therefore, not just eChina, no country has such a powerful mobile force which can knock down the defense of eSerbia. This fact indicates that the key to win eSerbia is the unity and cooperation with allies. The victories of EMC or the eUS and eCanada mobile forces have demonstrated my point. In the future, the CMC will join this union not only for the military goals, but also for strengthening and expanding the diplomatic relations with other countries.

As for the last question, I think, to match the damage made by eSerbia, we need to have the same magnitude of population as eSerbia does. Without such a population, the match with eSerbia will only be a beautiful fantasy. Thus, recruiting new players and making them survive is the top priority of each government. In addition, I want to mention, even eRomania which has the most efficient training (offering Q1 weapons for everyone’s daily fighting) dare not fight one to one against eSerbia.

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6. ryan_cps: Q to Jameson L. Tai: According to the experience of eAustratlia, what is the impact of the strategy of last-minute attacks? Do you support this strategy?

The last-minute attack is a very effective way. This strategy is used by most armies.

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7. ChinaMop: Q to Jameson L. Tai: Is it hard to achieve your political ambition in China? What are the major difficulties?

A by Jameson L. Tai: EC is a country which does not act like a country and the country are disordered in many ways. The powers and responsibilities of the government and the congress are not clear in EC. This country has been a joke in the diplomatic field. And the military leader has been on a vacation for two months?!

A Golden member said to me: “You lose if you take it too serious.”

EC political circle takes this game too seriously, which makes the citizens feel boring.

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8. Roger Chan: Q to The Samurai: Do you think the party army should get approval from the government before they take any action?

A by The Samurai: In my humble opinion, it is not necessary. Every country has their self-organized mercenary or volunteer forces, and the government is not responsible for any non-governmental military action. If in an important battle, the private army did a large amount of abnormal damage output, I think it is necessary for the government to urge the diplomatic solution with the involved country(ies) in order to reach an understanding.

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9. Roger Chan: Q to JLT: According to your understanding, does eChina have a chance to defeat eAustralia or not?

A by JLT: No. Compare to the Australian army, the EC army is weaker in terms of staff, leadership and resources.

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10. or_yaf: Q to the government: Is there any plan with regard to the salaries of public servants? At this moment, all public servants are working as volunteer. There is a worry that they will get tired of working without salary. Therefore, I suggest the government put this issue on the agenda.

A by wangxiaoyaII: we are planning to put forward a proposal on the remuneration of public servants to the Congress. Different levels of bonus will be given to different departments. Officials in the Ministry of Education will be paid on a monthly basis. Officials in the Ministry of SinoDefence will be paid according to their attendance. All are subject to the review and approval of the Congress. I’ll try to make this proposal more detailed and more reasonable, in order to gain the support of more congressmen.

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11. wjqcool: Q to Jameson L. Tai: If some Chinese want to choose eAustralia as their birth country and become an eAustralia citizen, will you and your country take care of them?

A by Jameson L. Tai: The Australian national university has the courses on military affairs, economic and politics. If you want to live in Australia, it is a good time now. You will have the chance of military training because of the war between Australia and Indonesia. And you will have the chance to participate in government and political affairs when there is no PTO. The weapon company will be a great business during wartime.

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12. Haferkorn: Q to JLT: I learn that you are quite experienced with logistic management, so my question is: do you think whether the current logistic system of ACUK has reached perfection? What is your opinion on CNDA with respect to the logistic management?

A by JLT: I am the vice commander of DropBears, so I do not know much about the logistics system of ACUK. There was not any logistics system in the CNDA when I left it. Maybe they implemented a new system after I left. But I can not image the future of CNDA.

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13. Xenon Ng: Q to Cynosure II: Will you join eChina government and implement your own plans? Do you think to what extent will your plan be implemented in eChina?

A by Cynosure II: link

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14. pulupulu: Q to the government: Is there any plan to join either EDEN or the Brolliance in the near future? I feel that the “neutral” eChina has been pursuing results in a fairly poor participation in global politics and low empathy of new players.

A by wangxiaoyaII: Being “neutral” is not the problem. We will cooperate with countries sharing the common interests with us and fight together against our common enemies.

The forming of the CMC is to promote such cooperation. Currently, the relationship between eUS and EDEN has been repaired a little, which is good for us. If some EDEN countries, such as ePoland, are willing to mitigate their hatred towards eUS, we will consider joining the Brolliance or EDEN. By the way, such an important decision will be subject to the polls of all eChina citizens.

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15. niconico: Q to the government: Are we expecting to form an alliance or sign the MPP with eIndia?

A by wangxiaoyaII: We don’t have such a plan now. Excessive MPPs will not bring much good to the country, because too many MPPs will distract our damages. How to control the expenditure while the national security is assured is one of the common objectives of the government and the Congress. In addition, it is helpful to keep the war status with eIndia for the need of land swaps in the future.

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16. Ashwu: General question: How will the admin or players of eRepublik ensure the security of eChina government organization accounts, such as People’s Bank of China?

A by wangxiaoyaII: The admin used to protect the security of the government organization accounts by way of contract. Now the contract system is cancelled. However, I think the admin will still pay attention to the government organization accounts, especially the PBoC. We have established several organization accounts recently, in order to control the military fund and administrative fund separately and to reduce the risks.

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17. PsyLai: General Question: What kind of information belongs to state secret? Who has the right to decide whether it can go public or needs to be classified?

A by wangxiaoyaII: Few things are considered as state secrets. Most of the proposals can be made public. However, because the 178 forum is not user friendly, the proposals and discussions have not been made public in a timely manner. I will recommend the Congress run an official newspaper, to introduce the discussions on the forum of the Congress. Of course, some information cannot be disclosed immediately, such as the military cooperation with allies and the work of CIA. The government will decide the method and time for disclosing such information.

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18. momochi: Q to JLT: Currently, the approval of funds for eChina military training and combat has long been criticized. How do you deal with that when you were back in eAustralia and eUSA?

A by JLT: The military expenditure budget of all U.S. armies is made by the U.S. Ministry of Defense quarterly. And the budget will be carried out by the CBO (Congress Budget Office) with the approval of the Congress. Expenditure of war will be defrayed by the special national defense fund which is controlled by the U.S. president. I think it is the best way after I learnt the systems of more than ten countries.

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19. MaxHoTo: Q to Cynosure II: What is the most urgent challenge facing eChina

A by Cynosure: link

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20. Q to Jameson L.Tai: What is the current situation in eAustralia? Any plan?

A by JLT: eAustralia is still fighting against the Phoenix. She is at war with eIndonesia, eBrazil and eArgentina. The military plan is important but the point is that eAustralia no longer obeys the military order from EDEN. Although eAustralia has not quitted EDEN, now she is more inclined to Brolliance. The EMC member of eAustralia will still fight for EDEN and eAustralia. We still need time to see the changes in the international situation and make plans for the future.

翻译:juzheng, eric288, nathanwater 校对:Dandelion Ou

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