Scavenger Hunt Answers

Day 1,441, 13:05 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

A few days ago I published an article and sent a few guys off on a treasure hunt. One clue would lead to an article, where the next clue could be found. At the end there was a question that had to be answered. In the end there were only 3 people who got to the end of it.

First place was Armour144 who won a shiny 5g
Second place was chriswen who won 50 new tanks.
Third place was Garyhubert. He was unable to answer the final question, but I gave him 25 tanks anyways 😛

For those of you who attempted and did not succeed, or just didn’t feel like it, here’s the answer key.

Clue #1
A friend of mine who’s name can be abbreviated as BM was born as part of the boomer generation eCanada experienced roughly 1000 days ago, along with myself. Though we were on opposite sides of the political spectrum at the time, we were able to achieve a mutual respect, and during my second run for congress we were both elected in the same province. You can find clue #2 in the comments of the article BM wrote celebrating his first year in erepublik.

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Clue #2

I may have stated that all the clues were in articles, however I lied! Clue #3 is actually hidden on the eCanadian forums. (It's the only one I promise) You will be looking for a court case presided by Vincent Valentine, where one former Prime Minister sued another former Prime Minister. Despite a rigorous evidentiary hearing, the actually case was never concluded because the plaintiff simply disappeared. Clue #3 has been edited into the last post in the case which was made by the minister of justice at the time.

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Clue #3
Nearly 700 days ago, an eCanadian known as TFD ( o7 ) decided to publish all of eCanada's laws in a series of articles so that they could be more easily found and would not require forum access. What's interesting is that some of the laws he published did not survive in the forum records, and his articles are the only copy left. (Such as the Anti-Bribery Act) The directory of the laws which was published from his organization is where you will find clue #4. Good luck

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Clue #4
eCanada has had a long history of minor parties that weren't in the top 5. Some of these smaller parties where in fact at times the most intriguing. There was once a party known as "The Lemon Party of Canada", who's slogan was "Politics Left you Bitter?" Their official org released an article naming 100 bitter things about eCanadian society and was very helpful in helping us remember the past, in addition to being quite entertaining.

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Clue #5

The vast majority of eCanadians you will find are male. This makes the females who play the game a little more distinctive. The girls of eCanada are often well known individuals who contribute in their own special way to the community. Kelly Mahoney who's pure awesomeness once resulted in a top 5 political party being rebranded as "The Kelly Mahoney Fan-Club". Coda, who is the longest serving general of the CAF to date, or maybe Frankypicoto who was a respected congresswomen who eventually became the speaker of the house. All of these individuals were active in the media, but one of the girls of eCanada only began writing after 2 years of playing erepublik, and seldom published after that. Despite this she is still well known and admired by many eCanadians, but particularly those of us in the CAF or TCO. You'll find clue #6 in her debut article.

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Clue #6

Currently, eCanada's battle orders are posted in the eCBC. This however was not always the case. Originally the eCBC (or Ministry of Information) was to serve as a voice of the government, but not for battle orders. Military orders had their own special paper, which was eventually rebranded "The Hill Times" and lost. If you search carefully though the eCan forums you can still find a link to this newspaper. When you do find it, scroll through the articles. Enough searching will reveal a peculiar article where the CAF is receiving supplies to defend a nation that would one day come to occupy most of eCanada by force, and is still regarded as an enemy today. Most eCanadians would be shocked to learn that we once gave everything we had defending this country.

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And then for the final question~
Just as MU's are created by any player who has achieved a certain rank by spending 40g, parties are also created by citizens for the price of 40g. The person who creates the party, is it's founder. Sometimes the founder wasn't seriously interested in creating a political party, or perhaps they simply gave up. Because of this, the actual founder of a party can easily be forgotten as the modern party has nothing to do with what it was originally.

With that in mind, who was the founder of party number 2729 ?

Personally I really like this question, and I won’t be giving up the answer just yet. You figure it out 😉

All in all I had a lot of fun making this up, and I hope you guys had fun poking through the past. If enough people are interested I may just try doing this again sometime.