The Tale of the Peculiar Political Pauper

Day 731, 13:07 Published in Canada Canada by saltydog

So with all the confusion and controversy surrounding recent political debacles on the eCan scene, I thought I should set the record straight.

I submit for the approval of the Midnight Society:
(for those who are old enough to remember the show)

The Tale of the Peculiar Political Pauper

Anime Commons Canada (A.C.C)
This is the one that started it all. You can give credit here to ACC's Eternal Leader, Yonsil. He's a good man who had some things to do in Japan (mostly involving lolies in pyjamas), and so left the secret Power of the Party to me. I won the Party Presidency elections that followed for November, and executing my popular mandate I promptly decided to engage in a rebranding exercise for the Party.

Anti-Nazi Anime League (A.N.A.L)
Following the glory that flowed around me after having won the Party Presidency, the brand of the Party was reformed to incorporate a representative aspect of those who had no voice in eCanadian politics: those with a serious sense of humour. This was reflected in the fact that no one likes Nazis (except for maybe Oct...nevermind, just kidding!!), while staying true to the core humour of the Anime concept.

Anti-Serious Society of Homeboys Objecting to Losers in Erepublik (A.S.S.H.O.L.E)
This is where things got interesting. I had though the complete reformation of the Party was now complete; little did I know the admins would put an end to You can read about that here.

Ah yes, the BPP. This was purely a political statement, a reaction born out of the anger resulting from the "Edited party name" fiasco.

This is also the point at which Octavian judged me to be a Nazi (having apparently missed out on the A.N.A.L fun).

*Party name that I can't remember*
I changed this after about 15 mins.">

The Adult Party (T.A.P)
And here we are, hopefully the end of this quick journey. As you'll notice on JasonMTL's Congressional platform, The Adult Party is not necessarily a party strictly for adults but a party for individuals who value practicality over role-play, those who are mature enough to engage in discourse of all sorts without prejudice to its nature, and those who are ready and able to challenge the status quo for the sake of finding a better way. This is a party for frank talk in a mature environment - "mature" as in how your parents used to act before they became stuffy suburban bores. But there's a proviso: don't come around if you're easily offended or lacking in the thick-skin department.

The point is that this is the last "new party" you'll see from me for a while. I have not spent a single RL-cent on any of these efforts, and I really don't plan on ever doing so in the future. I've had some laughs along the way, I hope those of you who have as well will join me to share some more in the future.


Supreme Dear Leader of The Adult Party