No Peace While Enemies Hold Our Lands

Day 2,295, 13:05 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

A treaty with eUSA that includes our enemies' continued occupation of Quebec and British Columbia is doomed to failure. Not because it isn't a fine idea, but because of a few quarreling miscreants. You people really need to learn to shut your wet mouths and do what your dictator tells you to do.

The war against eSpain and eUSA has been an uphill struggle from the start. Both of these nations are orders of magnitude stronger than we, but we persevered and now have an opportunity to reap the rewards of our struggles. Spain wants to leave and go back to Europe. USA wants to strike a deal. We won. That is victory.

Everyone seems fine with Spain leaving, but a few of you naughty monkeys are unwilling to strike a deal with the eagle-huggers. We cannot have the one without the other. That's something the rebels do not seem to realize.

Consider: America cannot wipe us right now because we have a big, fat shield of Spaniards surrounding our unassailable Northwest Territories. Spain is apathetic towards us - their attention is focused on Europe and the Iberian Peninsula specifically. We were a convenient place for them to hide out when they were getting steamrolled by Romania, but now Romania is weakened and Spain can go home. Which they want to do now.

Everyone will be happy to see Spain go home. Especially the Americans, who have been salivating for our blood for months now. When Spain leaves, they have a clear shot at wiping us, because they can reach NWT again.

The alternative to yet another wipe at the hands of eUSA is to treat with them. They want to keep their precious resources bonus, so they will demand Quebec and British Columbia. They seem willing to negotiate on a rental agreement.

Ultimately, it would be in Canada's best interest to make a deal, to charge eUSA exorbitant rent and reclaim all our other territories. Anyone who tells you differently has no grasp of logic or common sense. Those vocal few are the ones who guarantee that such a deal will fail, and who doom the country to perpetual wipe and bankruptcy.

eUSA will want assurances that the rental properties will not be taken from them by rebellious resistance wars. DMV3 and others are entirely incapable of honoring an agreement, particularly one with the eUSA, so this assurance cannot realistically be given. Should Rylde go ahead and make that deal anyway, it will fail for that very reason - because the ones crying "sellout!" have no grasp on the reality of the situation and will not be satisfied until we've spent our every last 0.01CC, abandoning and being abandoned by every single ally along the way.

Let us examine some of the half-truths and outright lies that have come up with these recent developments:

"We are draining their damage, thus hindering their allies!" - Indeed, we do manage to drain some of their damage. At the expense of nearly all of ours. And, in turn, the resistance wars keep us from going to the aid of our own allies when they need it.

"Rylde has no balls!" - Utter nonsense. You should be slapped repeatedly and then castrated so your offspring do not taint humanity's future. Rylde achieved exactly what he set out to do: Fight the enemy and force them into a settlement. It took balls and planning to get us where we are now. If you fail to recognize this fact, you are a moron.

"We are being sold out!" - Hogwash. America will come to OUR terms, or we keep fighting them. Though, at this point, it likely means another extended wipe and complete economic ruin.

"We are in bed with the enemy!" - Poppycock. Accepting their surrender and taking their money does not mean we are suddenly best of chums. Or even allies. It means we have bested them, and must now be clever about how we proceed if we wish to remain on top.

"The Americans are simply getting what they wanted all along - our resources!" - Codswallop. They already have our resources now, for free. Should we broker a deal for BC and Quebec, we would be forcing them to pay for what they want, rather than allowing them to take it by force.

Again, though, we must recognize that it is simply not viable to offer eUSA a deal for BC and Quebec, regardless of how beneficial it is for the country. We cannot possibly promise to defend our own lands from ourselves, in the name of eUSA. eUSA will have to find their precious deer and iron resources elsewhere, and withdraw entirely from Canada.

While I would fully support forcing our enemies to pay us rent for the privilege of occupying Canadian soil, I fear I cannot recommend such a deal at this time. Renting out BC and Quebec ultimately spells another wipe for Canada. It is a sensible move made impossible by insensible people.