[Mav] Be The Fourth Frog! XD

Day 743, 09:48 Published in USA India by Mav10 DK
Statutory Warning: All stunts performed by professional geek, Mav. Attempts at Short Articles have failed. Read at your own leisure! Do Not Try This In Your Forum or In Game. Smart-alecs beware; my words bite. +.+
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Day 742 | Article #21 | Version 1.1 [USA] | Tag: Parable, Humour |

> Knowledge & Half-Knowledge
> Be strong, Be humble but most importantly, Be Clever
> Previous publications
> Dedication
> eIndia Citizen Help Desk

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Knowledge & Half-Knowledge

~ Four frogs sat upon a log that lay floating on the edge of a river. Suddenly the log was caught by the current and swept slowly down the stream. The frogs were delighted and absorbed, for never before had they sailed.

~ At length the first frog spoke, and said "This is indeed a most marvelous log. It moves as if alive. No such log was ever known before." ~ Then the second frog spoke, and said, "Nay, my friend, the log is like other logs, and does not move. It is the river that is walking to the sea, and carries us and the log with it." ~ And the third frog spoke, and said "It is neither the log nor the river that moves. The moving is in our thinking. For without thought, nothing moves." ~ And the three frogs began to wrangle about what was really moving. The quarrel grew hotter and louder, but they could not agree.

~ Then they turned to the fourth frog, who up to this time had been listening attentively but holding his peace, and they asked his opinion. ~ And the fourth frog said, "Each of you is right, and none of you is wrong. The moving is in the log and the water and in our thinking also."

~ And the three frogs became very angry, for none of them was willing to admit that his was not the whole truth, and that the other two were not wholly wrong. ~ Then the strange thing happened. The three frogs got together and pushed the fourth frog off the log into the river.

The Forerunner
Kahlil Gibran

Moral of the story: Be the fourth frog, but better be strong enough to withstand the push or mature & clever enough to hold your peace.

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Be strong, Be humble but most importantly, Be Clever

Being small sucks. (no pun intended)

We see it everyday, on every scale: newbies are bullied or ignored, smaller parties being Taken Over, smaller countries under constant threat fought over by the bigger powers - being threatened of extinction or taken advantage of by others.

What we all forget is in the eWorld (much like real life), nothing is constant, and all phenomena is transient. 'Everything is moving', and the *small* will NOT always be so.

The Citizen, who doesn’t know what a Q5 weapon is, WILL be firing those tomorrow, and causing precious damage. The party formed with a handful of members and ridiculed at times, MIGHT be producing the best Presidential candidate tomorrow. The newbie, whose crazy ideas are being ignored by the seniors, as not keeping game mechanics in mind, WILL know the mechanics tomorrow, MIGHT just have the best ideas, & choose to implement them in a whole different nation altogether.

The eNation, who feels oppressed and is unable to fight back because of lack of Citizens, WILL have a baby boom and turn on the oppressor. The oppressed out of an urge to prove how strong they are, & to wrong injustices done to them in the past, might just give in to arrogance and turn into the very imperialist force they were fighting against.

And the powers that be, the Citizens in charge, the leading Parties, the strongest nations, will also change. The biggest fish today will NOT remain the biggest fish tomorrow. Allegiances will change, priorities will shift, and with time, the entire World Map will change a hundred times, the tides being in favor of one or the other.

Simply put, whether you are big or small, a Citizen or a Party, a Nation or an Alliance, do not EVER take your current situation or the World scenario for granted. In my humble opinion, those who do this, who realize that nothing is ever constant, not our own strengths or that of others, and make decisions, take actions accordingly ~ they are WIN.

Those who think they are too weak to put up a fight, don’t know or understand the game enough to discuss with the bigwigs, complain of low population and/or bad governance, but don’t take charge, they are FAIL; even more FAIL are those who think they are the biggest, strongest baddest bad-ass around, and will remain so forever, who think they can control others and make them do their bidding, trample over another nation, just because they can: Complete FAIL.

So then who is the fourth frog?

Well, I'd like to think of it as you, the Citizen who even if new, does not bother what others think, and does his best to understand the game mechanics, talks to other players, builds a solid network of friends and acquaintances, and always pushes one's boundaries, coming up with fresh ideas and focused on taking one's game and community to the top.

Its you, the Citizen with tons of shiny medals, but no less humility than your average newbie; talking to new Citizens and giving them the respect they deserve, handling them with patience and perseverance; training up a fresh line-up of leaders, aware that it is they who will sustain your eNation's glory.

Its you, the Party, which takes care of its Members, reaches out to newbies, teaching them the politics of the game; giving deserved respect to the other parties, even if they have opposing views, are not sure of their policies and/or have conflicting agenda. After all, you DO belong to the same Nation, and in essence are supposed to be working for its betterment only,

Its you, the eNation, which has a long term vision, beyond just regions and their worth, beyond the battles at hand, and how best to give back to ones enemies; the eNation, which does not join alliances out of fear or arrogance; who is aware that whatever their strength, big or small, its not going to be constant.

Again, being the fourth frog isn’t about just knowing, but playing clever, being smart, taking action to become strong in every aspect. Not everyone is the fourth frog, and the other frogs WILL turn against you, if nothing but out of spite. Citizens, who think your voice doesn't count, make sure you work that much harder and learn the mechanics NOW; Parties who are sidelined, form a solid platform, NOW; Nations who are threatened &/or taken advantage of, especially if you are and want to be Neutral, Independent, stop cribbing, HAVE A BABY BOOM NOW, DEVELOP YOUR FOREIGN AFFAIRS NOW, INCREASE CITIZEN AWARENESS & ACTIVITY NOW. Become strong, stay strong, and play clever.

Whatever be our situation today, whoever we are today, let us evaluate where we stand; be sure we are on the right track, keep our arrogance in check and humility in abundance; lets get rid of any fear, of losing regions, losing face, losing power; strive forth bravely with the knowledge, that as long as I and only I determine my actions, words, decisions, and am not governed by what others think, say or do, I am nothing but WIN! As long as I am not just talk, but have the strength to back up what I say, I am WIN!


~ Mav aka MDK~
Editor, The Dodge Chronicles

Thanks to all my readers. Please leave a comment below, or PM me here, so I may know you better, and improve my publication.

First Knight, The DODGE Order

My Blog: Revolution[10]

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The Philosophy of eIndia ~ Respect: A Tribute to eRepublik ~ eRepublik Admin on Twitter: "the article is close to a definition of what eRepublik should represent to the bigger part of the player-base. Respect!" / Make Each Day Count / Spiderman / eFreedom - Are You A Free Citizen? / Rules of the Game ~ A Manual for all Citizens of the eWorld, running for Congress / Do I sound Prime Ministerial enough? / I AM HERE!!! [Part I] / I am Game! / Lead India! Lead The World! / The Gypsy Caravan IV / What Ca I do? / A Different Battle / This is no more a Game!!!

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Bihar is Free! Jai Hind Fauji's! eIndia *salutes* you. Thanks for the great show, Emerick & Eden forces.


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