[UM] Results from the competition. We had fun!

Day 2,168, 09:25 Published in USA USA by The Mike

The Ultramarines were formed on Day 1192 (25 February 2011), just before the formation of the USAF. Soon after the formation of the USAF, we merged into it as its third branch. We have a wide breadth of experience, with many members opting to stay within the unit even when they could move on to the Special Forces; this means that there are always experienced people in the unit to assist the less experienced when they join up.

The requirements for membership are:

- Previous experience in a military unit is preferable.
- High IRC activity is required (all supplying is in IRC)
- Generally high activity and engagement in eRepublik is preferred
- Must join the in-game MU
- Full membership in the MU only attainable at Field Marshal rank
- Commitment to follow (set by the NSC) eUSA orders to fight for eUSA and its allies
- MU members expecting supplies are also expected to work in UM communes
- Passing our screening to ensure a ‘good fit’ with existing unit members[/u]

Our fighters are currently provided with 3 drops of 7 Q7 tanks (and food if needed to be able to fight) daily. All supplying is done in real time through the unit’s private IRC channel, so IRC activity is the only way to get supplied.

The purpose of this article is to release the results from the contest we had a week ago. It was announced two weeks ago via an article by myself and a private message sent to each soldier subscribed to receive notifications for UM-related events.

The task was to find different governmental articles and to comment COURAGE AND HONOUR under each of them. Depending on when the comment has been posted in relevance to the time stamp of the article, points were allocate😛

up to 4 hours (incl.) after publishing: 3 points
up to 12 hours after publishing: 2 points
up to 24 hours after publishing: 1 point
up to 2 days after publishing: 0.5 points (half a point)

Commenting under an article from the DoD brings you double amount of points!

The papers I was reviewing and the respective articles from each of them are listed below:

1. CP Newspaper - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-angry-kitteh-255812/1
Article 1: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-presidential-statement-it-s-over-son--2330182/1/20
Article 2: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-presidential-statement-silence-the-guns--2330253/1/20
Article 3: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/stop-the-pto-join-the-liberty-advancement-party--2331566/1/20

2. WHPR - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-wh-press-room-185289/1
Article 4: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-whpr-peace-and-reconstruction-2331373/1/20
Article 5: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-whpr-party-president-election-day-2329868/1/20

3. DoD (double points) - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/dod-orders-194506/1
Article 6: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-dod-orders-day-2158-colorado-and-south-east-of-england-2330230/1/20
Article 7: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-dod-orders-day-2159-valley-of-mexico-and-sulawesi-2330965/1/20

4. Secretary of Interior - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/dept-of-the-interior-215358/1
No articles published during the competition.

5. Secretary of Education - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/education-today-181113/1
Article 8: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-doe-writing-contest-results-1-2330562/1/20
Article 9: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-doe-faq1-2331413/1/20

6. Secretary of State - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/us-department-of-state-214780/1
No articles published during the competition.

7. CoT - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-voice-of-cot-276856/1
Article 10: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cot-standing-together-2331058/1/20

8. Congress (Speaker's Word) - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-speaker-s-word-181742/1
No articles published during the competition.

10 Articles, so 30 points was the maximum. Given the results I think that I had regulated the competition very well prior to its start.

So, the winners are:

26p_The Mike

1. zako soldier with 26 points
2. Napalm Norm with 25 points
3. sumar82 with 16 points
4. Mr. Tosi with 10 points
5. Disco Musolini with 10 points
6. Divineal with 9 points
7. Gervaz with 5 points

For the record, I scored 26 points so I am happy with my performance as well 😃


Correct! As I said, a minimum of five people will be awarded. Given the fact that I expected twice as many participants, I will be awarding each one of them.

Gervaz will receive a one-day UM supply pack from 21 tanks and 1800 energy in q5 food.
Mr. Tosi, Disco Musolini and Divineal will receive as many tanks as they have requested the past week (from Monday 21st to Sunday 27th).
zako soldier, Napalm Norm and sumar82 will receive additionally as many tanks they request during the week to come (from Monday 28th to Sunday the 3rd).

In monetary value the total awards can go to up to $9,000.00. I hope the winners will take the most out of it!

We are already planing on the next competition for November, so stay tuned! Until then:


Our public IRC channel is #ultramarines - feel free to ping anyone with ops in there to find out more. Join the official US Armed Forces Marines unit today! Our application form can be found here: http://www.tinyurl.com/join-ultramarines (or simply drop me a PM here saying you want to join us 😛)