[New World Telegraph] #3 Ready, steady...

Day 2,269, 00:32 Published in Russia Russia by Russtateorg5

Welcome to third issue of our news bulletin! The full stack of new world news you can read and follow online in our Agency’s Twitter. We presented some of them with more details here. Vote, shout and subscribe.

Polish most probable next CP promised to start war with Serbian ally - Slovenia. Direct war against Serbia is interesting but hazardous for Polish bonuses on his mind. He sees anti-Serbian coalition as a stack of full members of new alliance and some countries with “similar interests”.
Romania has proposed an airstrike to Spain. Previously Romania has rejected proposed NE law against Russia.
Almost all Turkish CP candidates prefer to be with Poland and keep Romania, Greece and Argentina as friends in February. It will be hard.
Argentinians need to keep Romania, Greece and Turkey too. But one of the most probable next CP proposed to abandon some current allies.
Spain tried to propose NAP to Argentina as some experts said. But Argentinians have rejected it.
USA and Spain (pro-Spoland) currently are in war against Portugal (pro-Serbia). USA started their attack not very good in Azores some days ago but now they are successful. Meanwhile Spanish campaign against Portugal is unsuccessful on the contrary.
Slovenian campaign against Croatia is going to be failed. Croatia took initiative and roll on Slovenian cores now.
Latvian war against Belarus is not so epic but very significant. Both of countries were at TWO side recently and now Latvia is trying to defend native region after several defeats in Belarus.
Canada signed Serbian and some pro-Serbian MPPs recently. Now they have Serbian, Slovenian and are about Romanian MPPs. US president (one of main Canadian neighbours) said that it is “disappointing to see them take this path, but to each, their own”. Canadian most probable next CP urged Canadians to be prepared for 30 days long war (but not specified against whom).
Asgard members are discussing possibility of creation all-alliance Military Unit and establishment Military Commander (MC) of Asgard position. MC will be MU commander (in the game mechanics) meanwhile Supreme Commander will stay as foreign affairs leader. As wrote Finnish CP (debates starter) - proposition is inspired by recent Battle Boosters game update.
UK signed Croatian and Bosnian MPPs. As UK prime minister said, Bosnian MPP is accepted because their hard link with Croatia. Also UK continues to hold several Swedish cores including deers in Jamtland and does not cut Lithuanian path to Norwegian oil in Trondelag (but Lithuania lost control over there).
Serbia is preparing for massive and coordinated attacks on their country. Both of most probable next CPs said about safety of their bridge to French rubber and avoiding of direct war with Poland. Destroyer91 said that “SerHun is eternal” and “SerSlo is eternal”. His counterpart nikol000 strongly sure that Serbia will keep their old friends but now he do not publish the list of all potential allies because need to be careful with every word.
Rep. Macedonia opened national trading IRC Rizon channel on #TradeM.
Next Emperor of Thailand and Southern provinces Sale Kutuzov established new state ministries of: “Gastarbeiterism and oligarchy”, “Turism and Dart Weider”, “Hunting and Fishing”, “Beer, sausages and Sport recreation”, “Pornography”, “Social one Do-you-have-any-tank?”, “Donate-gold-to-prime-minister-as-referral” and so on.
Update: Four nations of Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Hungary will clash in Guerilla Challenge on Clopoyaur TV Thursday, February 6th from 11.30 eRepublik time (2😇0 CET). Super prize for winner's team is 10 000 CC and maybe more.

Thank you and stay with us! This issue team: chugaystyr, buwica, Mythirugan, ljubisavljev, kolluchiy, YutuKaron, Kuzynn, Osex.

P.S. Want a gold/CC? Can read all game news and say us about interesting events? PM us right now!

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