Rylde 4 CP & 30 days of War

Day 2,268, 21:10 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

This is my last word before the election begins in a few hours. I honestly think I'm the best candidate this month as new alliances and friends are being made. Those friends are going to directly involve us in a large war that will last the term and probably beyond.

If it wasn't for the fact that were about to face constant war for the next 30 days maybe I wouldn't be the best option. The reality is were still partially occupied and our new friends are going to be looking for some organized support to help on there multiple fronts. If there's one thing I do well in this game its organize for War.

I'm active and johnny on the spot when it comes to key battles and win or lose this past month when the fight mattered i was there in one capacity or another. Either tanking beside my fellow Canadians or balancing CO's and making sure tanks were getting into the right hands many times till the middle of the night.

This is the level of activity and commitment I give when were at war because I like to win and if there's one thing i like more than winning. Its being the underdog and winning.

I'm one of the best war leaders the country has and i'd like to lead from the frontline in Febuary. I've always held true to my word that under my leadership this country will never be anyone's lapdog and it never has. All we know is fight and thats what I like most about this country and why I want to lead it.

A vote for me is a guarentee of Lord of War leadership.

If I end up losing I have declined all cabinet offers from my opponents but in no way will that mean I won't be available to help when required during key engagements regardless of who wins the big chair.