محیط آن/آف

Noua mea casa( My new hometown)

2 دن 179, 12:31 Published in Romania Romania

Acum sunt cetatean din Donetsk si sper sa pot revigora aceasta zona importanta din E-Romania. Tot odata, anunt ca voi si participa la alegerile locale pentru functia de primar. Voi incerca sa aduc mai multi cetateni si investitori, si doresc ca toti

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It's over(E gata)

4 دن 179, 03:27 Published in Romania Romania

The war is over, All women and children run to embrace their fathers and husbands returning from the battlefield. Romania won! With the help of brave soldiers and keen ambition, the conquering war is over. Hip Hip hurray! in every home is a romanian

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Useful links and tips

4 دن 178, 22:42 Published in Romania Romania

Morning to everybody and welcome to the Day 178 of The New Word in Erepublik. Today is a great day for us e-romanians, cause today we will end the war with Ukraine(Turkey). With our wounds partially healled and with some ammo in our pockets we go

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Oglinda, a newspaper for all

1 دن 178, 05:24 Published in Romania Romania

For now on, Oglinda will have articles romanian and english, so everybody can read the newspaper and learn new stuff. I welcome all our new citizen and i await some to ask me some questions,that i will be glad to answer. Till a new articles i wish

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De vorba cu Gaius

5 دن 177, 04:48 Published in Romania Romania

As dori sa aflu doleantele cetatenilor din Cluj, si pentru a incerca sa le rezolv. Aceasta e campania mea electorala, vreau sa vorbesc cu voi, sa stiu ce va lipseste si ce v-ati dori din CLuj ca oras, astept toti cetatenii din cluj la dialog. Nu fac

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