Фон вкл./вимк.

Campaigning for Captain

8 День 2,428, 16:13 Опубліковано в державі Ireland Ireland Бойові накази Бойові накази

This wolf is running for Captain in Regiment 6.


Simple, this wolf wants to be a larger contributer to Ireland. Wishing to repay all that eIreland has done for him. Fiercely loyal, and a guiding force, I believe I'm the top dog

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Wolf Arise!

9 День 2,425, 18:15 Опубліковано в державі Ireland Ireland Соціальна взаємодія та розваги Соціальна взаємодія та розваги

Wild and Free The Wolves Prowl
When it is darkest we are strongest
Our eyes having a natural scowl
The pack has stood together longest

The wolves shall rise
This is the truest tale
The wolves shall rise
Withstanding stormy gale


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Fighting Efficiently

10 День 2,423, 19:31 Опубліковано в державі Ireland Ireland Військова аналітика Військова аналітика

Let's take a look at weapons. These tools can really help a player out when fighting battles. There are several things in weapons that are worth considering.

Fire Power

# of uses

Your strength


Your rank number (recruit to titan)

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The Power of None!

7 День 2,422, 02:57 Опубліковано в державі Ireland Ireland Політичні дебати та аналіз Політичні дебати та аналіз

I had recently inquired about MPP's. I believe that these are good agreements to have when both parties are unsure of the other's status. However, when on long established relationships with countries, our nation should re-evaluate the MPP/

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It's Feasting Time!

10 День 2,420, 19:23 Опубліковано в державі Ireland Ireland Фінанси і бізнес Фінанси і бізнес

Here's the deal. I believe some people are just buying what seems to be cheapest without doing some math here. The market seems to move on low value items, but on high it barely moves. Sometimes cheap does not mean most economical. Or, as one

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