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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

Crimson Canucks: Yeah, We Got it Covered

45 День 800, 14:10 Опубліковано в державі Canada Canada


It looks good every time I glance at it.

Crimson Canucks: Yeah, We've got it Covered.

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37 День 788, 08:50 Опубліковано в державі Canada Canada

Hello friends,

It's been a long time since I published anything of note in Canadian Liberty Magazine. I could write a myriad of excuses about being really busy and blah blah blah no one wants to hear any of that.


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Dearest Iran

27 День 747, 13:32 Опубліковано в державі Iran Iran

You have not seen the last of the Crimson Canucks.

Today, the victory is yours.

Tomorrow, you may not be so fortunate.

A good fight in West Bengal today. You fought very hard in the end.

But remember: We shall meet again.

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Dearest Iran

0 День 747, 13:23 Опубліковано в державі Canada Canada

You have not seen the last of the Crimson Canucks.

Today, the victory is yours. Tomorrow, you may not be so fortunate.

A good fight in West Bengal today. We shall meet again.

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CLM Volume 11: Reason #542 Why I Hate Democracy

9 День 736, 09:18 Опубліковано в державі Canada Canada

Welcome to the Eleventh issue of Canadian Liberty Magazine. It's been quite some time since the last edition of this newspaper, but since it is congressional election day my ire is quite high and I cannot hold back. There are many reasons to

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