[SFPOM] A Chat With PimpDollaz

Day 4,428, 14:36 Published in USA USA by Dillon Richards

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It's my pleasure to announce that the Socialist Freedom Party has endorsed PimpDollaz for Country President this election cycle! He's a friendly guy with a long history in the game. You can see his announcement article here. His latest article has a lot of information on his vision for the coming month as well - I highly recommend taking a look.

As Spokesperson for the SFP, I had the pleasure of sitting down with PimpDollaz over Discord to ask him a few questions. I'd like to thank him for his time and wish him the best of luck on the 5th. The following is our conversation - I hope you enjoy the read!

Dillon Richards
Well first, thank you for taking the time to talk to me tonight - different time zones can make things a bit difficult lol.

Yes indeed! The thing I like about my time zone is that midnight actually coincides with server reset, so day in eRep is an actual day IRL

Dillon Richards
Haha! That's handy!

I love it

Dillon Richards
I would, too lol.

Well, I suppose we should get down to business.

To kick things off, can you tell the readers a little about yourself and your time in eRepublik?

Absolutely, I started over ten years ago, actually in eCanada and spent a while there. I did every job except CP.

Back then eCan and eUS were very close allies, and they had an exchange program for congress people called the Brolliance exchange program.

I think it was when scrabman was CP, or maybe just after.

Dillon Richards
That sounds interesting - I haven't heard of that before.

It was very cool, I got to spend time in eUS Congress and check you guys out.

So anyway, there were major differences.

The one thing I liked better in eUS was that eCanadians tend to very role-playey which did not appeal to me, whereas Americans are more direct, which I liked better for this game.

So I came over, rainy gave me cs.

I got my game nick after I watched a documentary on pimps in San Francisco.

Dillon Richards
I love the inspiration 😂

IRL, I like rock climbing for fun.

Dillon Richards
Very nice!


Dillon Richards
I suppose we can move on to foreign policy if you're ready.


Dillon Richards
I've been hearing a fair amount of grumbling over our new Training War with Poland. Our history with Poland is less than friendly, as you pointed out in your announcement article.

Is it wise to engage with a historic enemy like this? You also say you'll end the Training War with Poland - would that have any consequences on the international stage?

Back when we were getting invaded, they were opportunistic, which I don't like.

They've had a history of flip flopping, so I think at this time it's a bit better to keep them at arm’s length.

Dillon Richards
That sounds sensible to me.

They were once friendly, but we were down and out and they just piled on us which was not cool.

So, it's been too soon to be dealing with them.

I also do not trust their motives.

Plus our current CP has had a very long history of doing things that are detrimental to the country in order to serve his own interests, so we can't trust what he says either.

Dillon Richards
You won't get an argument from me on that.

As for the consequences, it's our soil, so it's our choice who we let in.
If they have a problem with that, too bad for them.

We will deal with our allies.

Dillon Richards
So, I see in your latest article that you'd be interested in replacing them with another (more trustworthy) partner. Can you talk about any e-nation you have in mind?

Or is it too soon to say?

I'll have to get out there and negotiate. So, I wouldn't want to drop names publicly and put any undue pressure.

Dillon Richards
Perfectly understandable.

But I will say that I will vet them very thoroughly first. I won't just let anyone land.

Look at their stacks, that sort of thing.

Their history, ask around.

What alliance they are in matters too.


Who they have invaded, etc.

Their history with eUS.

Dillon Richards
That's definitely a good policy to work from!

So let's talk domestic policy. We've got a great newly reworked CRAP program that people seem to be enjoying.

Do you have any plans on the domestic front? How's CRAP doing in your view?

Yes I do.

Dillon Richards
I'm excited to hear them!

I love CRAP.

I also liked AARP too.

I would like for CRAP to continue, of course. Congress has a good thing going.

But a couple of ideas I had in mind were that we need to specifically target newer players with toys because they need to be engaged in order to stick around long term.

Giving them tanks is fun for them.

Dillon Richards
I agree wholeheartedly. eRepublik is difficult to "catch up" if you join late. Anything to keep player retention up is a net positive in my book.

I just have to work out the cost of it first, as you know tanks are expensive now.

The other thing was that the media module has really dried up over the years.

Dillon Richards
I'm glad you mentioned that. I was going to ask if you had any plans specifically on the media front.

I will be starting a contest and giving away my own gold for the funniest articles that people write.

Dillon Richards
Oh that sounds amazing XD

You can find the details in my latest article.
40 G for first place, 20 G for second and a special surprise for third.

We must bring some entertainment up in this beyotch.
It's too boring.

Dillon Richards
I agree. When I started playing the media scene was a lot more lively. There was plenty to keep caught up on which kept me interested!

Yeah, at one time it seemed like every hour somebody was putting something out.

Dillon Richards
Just about!

And good, solid articles too!

Dillon Richards
We still get some great content from time to time, but there's quite a bit of silence in between.

Yes, the game population has shrunk big time.

No more 1000 vote articles like back in the day.

Dillon Richards
Any thoughts about that?

Is there anything you think the player base can do to remedy the dropping numbers, or is it squarely on the shoulders of Plato?

Not sure, I think that the changes definitely have something to do with it as it's harder for newbs to have an impact.

Old tanks who have been here and can flip walls by themselves can do anything, so a new player comes in, sees that and says to themselves, well, there's nothing here for me, I'm out.

The devs aren't focusing on them.

Dillon Richards
It is a shame.

It seems they're not putting much efforts into updates, only events (which are often wonderful, don't get me wrong) - but not much new to sink your teeth into.

But to answer the other part, players could try connecting with other players, idk.

A long time ago we had this idea to print flyers and pamphlets about the game, and distribute them IRL to create a baby boom, lol.

Dillon Richards
Haha! That sounds like an interesting idea. Can't hurt to revisit it 😉

Yup, we should stand on street corners, like religious people, hahaha!

Dillon Richards
Tin hats and trench coats 😂

Hey brother, have you heard about the truth today?


Dillon Richards

Leave pamphlets in hotel room bibles like the Gideons.

Dillon Richards
As silly as this is, it's giving me some ideas 😂


Dillon Richards
I just might.


Dillon Richards
I suppose we should move on for the time being lol.

So I see you've also announced your Cabinet in your latest article. I see a lot of names that I know and respect on there.

Can you share any information about your selection process?

I just wanted to ask people I respected and have a good standing in the community. People who are diplomatic, that kind of thing.

Experience helps, but also you need to get a chance too, in order to get that experience as well.

So I have a blend.

Dillon Richards
I like that mindset.

Executive work can be intimidating for people who haven't done it before - it's good to reach out to promising players like that.


Dillon Richards
So, we're approaching my last question.

Is there any other topic you'd like to discuss before we get to it?

I'd just like to say, like anything in life, you get what you pay for, so choose wisely.

If you know that someone has a history of doing unsavory things, then they are more than likely to do such things again.

Dillon Richards
Good advice in a number of situations 🙂

Yes, this game is a reflection of life, real people behind every keyboard.

Dillon Richards
So, my last question is this: it's been said that players running for CP are absolutely insane. It's a big time commitment and a good bit of work.

Why do you want to be President?

I just didn't like the path we were on, so I wanted to do something to correct it before we found ourselves in another mess.

So I will correct things if the people choose me.

And yes.

I am legit crazy. For real.

I do rock climbing, lol

Dillon Richards
I can definitely respect that. And my best friend's a shrink if you need any help with that crazy bit 😉

-Dillon Richards
Spokesperson, SFP