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Homeland viewed from a distance

Looking back home

6 Day 4,692 ,01:58 刊登在 Japan Japan 政論剖析 政論剖析

On my second day here in Exile I got a lot of support from my homeland Austria. This caused a silent feeling of homesickness in the back of my mind. Because of that I didnt buy a house in Japan yet. Despite some beautiful places i already made out.

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Ein Leben im Exil - zweiter Tag

12 Day 4,691 ,01:34 刊登在 Austria Austria 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Der zweite Tag meines neuen Lebens im japanischen Exil bricht an. Gestern streunte ich noch orientierungslos durch eine chaotische, mir völlig fremde, aber dennoch schöne Welt. Mittlerweile finde ich mich einigermaßen zurecht. Aber ich weiß immer

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really not knowing what I'm doing

4 Day 4,690 ,05:05 刊登在 Japan Japan 新人指導及教育 新人指導及教育

So I just founded my first newspaper. Not really sure what's the purpose of this. Maybe I should've read the FAQ.
When you feel the same: Read the FAQ!

But hey, why not write an short meaningless article. Let's see what may come next ...

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