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Official press service of The Last Samurai party.

Need a new avatar or editing? / Novi avatar, izmena? [Eng/Srb]

13 Day 4,499 ,13:19 刊登在 Japan Japan 社交娛樂 社交娛樂


If you need new avatar or editing of an existing one, just send a message. Price is symbolic, 3000cc per 1 edited or new … 更多 »

Tokyo Otaku Mode - New cryptocurrency - 'OTAKU COIN'

9 Day 3,705 ,14:06 刊登在 Japan Japan 社交娛樂 社交娛樂


As some of you may have heard about it already, Tokyo Otaku Mode has started a project called - 更多 »

TLS announcement [ENG/SRB]

5 Day 3,469 ,05:38 刊登在 Japan Japan 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Hello, citizens of eJapan.

TLS party is reminding her members to submit their candidacy at party page, as there is 3 days left to do it, so they could gain a chance of being elected for the congress.
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30 Day 3,264 ,08:38 刊登在 Japan Japan 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

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[ CP ] Japan knows how to play !

91 Day 2,746 ,07:20 刊登在 Japan Japan 政論剖析 政論剖析

[url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-introduction-更多 »