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[CP] Short Briefing for the First Days

11 Day 3,856 ,02:50 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Hello my fellow Swiss Citizens

Here is an article about the first days of my administration after the Presidential Elections of June the 5th. I want to thank each of you
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About Switzerland and future plans

10 Day 3,802 ,10:40 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析


Almost half of my mandate has passed and the question is: What have I done so far?

-First, we continued our MPP with Indonesia and we signed new with Montenegro. Now as a part of NEW NEBULA we are going to sign MPPs with the other

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Swiss Constitution

11 Day 3,765 ,09:37 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear friends,
It’s an honour for me to announce that our Consitution was approved by our Congress.
It was an hard work of more than 1 month.
I would also like to thank all those … 更多 »

Cabinet March 2018

10 Day 3,760 ,06:07 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear Swiss,
I talked with many of you and have thought a lot during las 2 days and now I’ve all clear.

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[CP]A Sunday of ordinary madness

21 Day 3,758 ,01:37 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear Swiss,
many of you ask me what happened yesterday so I’m going to recap here to keep you informed.
As you know the MOFA BB resigned from his charge, and from his candidature to … 更多 »