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Last article. Win 2,5 gold and 250 currency.

29 Day 2,490 ,04:15 刊登在 Russia Russia 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

EDIT: The give-away is closed, the winner is SValerchick

Here is my last article for the mission (i hope so) and i would need 25 comments again. But first let’s look who won the last prize.

As you cann see, I had 53 EB in my … 更多 »

2,5 gold to win!

38 Day 2,489 ,10:07 刊登在 Russia Russia 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Thank you again for another 25 comments. The answer to the question how much damage I dealt for my first battle-hero-medal is ca 517 000. With his answer of 200 000 damage

Jhonny Walker

was the closest and won 50 Q7-weapons.


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And the winner is.../new giveaway

26 Day 2,486 ,04:51 刊登在 Russia Russia 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

First, i want to thank all of you for your help to accomplish the mission and apologize, but i had some problems so thats why you had to wait for this article. The random generator has chosen a happy winner. The prize of 50 Q7-weapons is already

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Help for a mission

35 Day 2,477 ,05:59 刊登在 Russia Russia 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

As you can see, i need 25 comments to accomplish this mission. i know that you are all helpful people, but i want to thank you for your help … 更多 »

Meanwhile in Russia

14 Day 2,037 ,11:02 刊登在 Russia Russia 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

A long time ago, whe i started gaming, there were no divisions and the dmg for a battle hero medal was much lower than now. however, you had to fight for winning one. So i started to look for battles where the dmg for a battle hero was low and

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