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開啟 Wiki

All objective conditions for a revolution are met. False class consciousness is the only obstacle.

[Avvecklingsverket] Vi välkomnar 2017!

3 Day 3,332 ,11:14 刊登在 Sweden Sweden 新人指導及教育 新人指導及教育

Kära läsare, multis och ni andra!

Som landets enda legitima nyhetsoutlet vill vi välkomna samtliga till 2017. Det är ovidkommande om ni är anarkos eller sossekollaboratörer. Alla ska nä … 更多 »

[Avvecklingsverket] Program för Utveckling

9 Day 3,252 ,15:27 刊登在 Sweden Sweden 新人指導及教育 新人指導及教育

eSwedish Department of Liquidation & Termination
Offical Government of eSweden

Responsible for closing the books and winding up eSweden

Kära läsare, multis och andra,

[img][/img] … 更多 »

[Avvecklingsverket] The Ref Dealership

13 Day 3,168 ,09:56 刊登在 Sweden Sweden 新人指導及教育 新人指導及教育

eSwedish Department of Liquidation & Termination

Dear readers, multis and others

Firstly, we would like to report on the success of the #1 economic hub in erepublik, the Ref 更多 »

[Avvecklingsverket] Launching MU 2.0! July (#1) [Alltid Uppd.]

7 Day 3,144 ,16:34 刊登在 Sweden Sweden 新人指導及教育 新人指導及教育

eSwedish Department of Liquidation & Termination

Dear readers, multis and others!

The department, as you may be aware of, … 更多 »

[Avvecklingsverket] Military Unit 2.0 June (#2)

0 Day 3,133 ,13:07 刊登在 Sweden Sweden 政論剖析 政論剖析

eSwedish Department of Liquidation & Termination

Dear readers, multis and others

The eSwedish Department of Liquidation & Termination (Avvecklingsverket) is happy to announce that … 更多 »