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the Sword of Allah

How to Get More Votes for Your Articles

119 Day 1,516 ,01:41 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Dear friends, allies, and respected foes,

Today, I will give you the tips of getting more votes for your articles.

-First, choose a title :

a) Turkey is backstabbers

b) Turkey forever alone

c) Turkey no one wants you

-Then, make a

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A Message to Bulgarian Naysayers

113 Day 1,512 ,19:09 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear Bulgarians,

I've decided to write this article since I do not think that your people with sense and maturity do not raise their voice as they should, except the one and only Boyan.

I do not know the reason behind this, it may be … 更多 »

Victory is Ours

111 Day 1,511 ,14:06 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 戰略分析 戰略分析

Dear allies, friends and respected foes,

As of this moment, we have succesfully kicked FYROM out of the Arabian Peninsula, never to return again.

This was not easy, the teamwork, the cooperation, the tactical analysis and the strategic … 更多 »

Sağduyulu Lazokrasi Üyelerine Çağrımdır

61 Day 1,496 ,15:34 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 政論剖析 政論剖析

Az evvel okuduğum şu makalenin bende ve tüm Türk oyuncularda büyük hayal kırıklığı oluşturduğu su götürmez bir gerçektir.

Henüz iki hafta

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[Turkey-Iran] Summary of a Love Story

158 Day 1,488 ,23:53 刊登在 Argentina Argentina 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Dear allies, friends and respected foes,

Let me tell you a story. A love story, which ended very badly...

Turkey and Iran are long time lovers. But things go south, when 更多 »