The Federalist Press [day 2277]

Day 2,277, 16:03 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Good news everyone! My birthday was yesterday. I am yet another year older.

That is not good news at all! Oh the humanity of it! How shall I ever live with myself? Well at least I have Valentine’s day to look forward too. I can spend it with my simply stupendous other half. Oh, yeah… I have no other half. Never mind then. *Sigh* I wish Dio would grant me a citizenette of my own. But no… Everyone from Plato’s staff gets to have jealous girlfriends and here is the proof! But do I, one of the most awesome people ever, get one? No… I mean come on! Even Plato is getting some action. Come on DIO!?

I jest. Neither my birthday nor Valentine’s day bothers me. It is just fun to play it up like it does. Though understandably some will find it in bad taste to take DIO’s name in vain, I apologize to these people. I will try (though doubted in prospects of successful) to not make this faux pa again.

Well anyway, it is I, the master of words and keeping of keys, the wanderer of wandering and the eater of the bees. Yeah, I am just going to shut the odd stuff up and say: I am Trekker Tlumac, director of Fed Media, bringing you another installment of The Federalist Press.

State of the Fed

Congressional signups are up and rearing. We want and need good people in congress. The place is a bunch of baboons (pun intended, not insult) and we need members like you to be there. It is a great place to learn more about the government and dealings of the country. There is a lot there that you will never hear about anywhere else. It is also a wonderful place to serve your country and party. And is the spring board to bigger things.

If you have a desire to serve your country and party, are willing to work for the party or have in the past, and are looking for that next step into activity: SIGN UP. Be aware there is a proper and improper way to sign up though.

The proper steps consist of three major parts:

First is to go to the forum and fill out the application. The link is below
Congress singups

Second is to SIGN UP IN GAME. This step cannot be stated enough. Every month there are a couple wonderful prospective congress critters that would have gone to congress, but they forgot to sign up in game. To do this, you need to go the party page and scroll down to congress and click on the little tab that say RUN. Party link included below. Please note that you cannot sign up in game yet (as of the 13th), but this step must be completed before the 23rd or there will be no way to get you into congress.

In game party link

Third step is pretty simple, especially if you have been active in the party: make yourself useful in the party. This includes but is not limited to working in one of our fine departments (who are always looking for help), engaging other party members in pleasant conversation, and being a general known entity to the party. It is much easier for the powers that be to determine you are a good candidate for congress is there is a track record of positive feedback from within the party.  Would you send a complete stranger to speak for you and your four hundred closest friends? Probably not, except for you *points to random citizen* You are a little rebel, I like you *unpoints at random citizen* Still, it benefits everyone to know who we are sending to congress. This part of the sign up in informal and is really a matter of being active. By doing this you show the desire to be here, a desire to work for the party, and it eases the flow of the rest of the process (please read formal sign up requirements in forum at the link provided above.)

Well as you know, the changing of the Party leadership is upon us. Tyler ran on the premise of only one term as Party President and has not wavered from that statement. Over the past week the party has been in the thresh of the PP primaries. They have concluded with two candidates going to polls. The polls opened Monday night and will run through today (Thursday. Both candidates have answered many questions (Trekker's here & Blondeninja's here), but what does Tyler have to say? Well we have procured an exit interview with the soon to be former-PP. Keep an eye for that in the near future.

Well the Fed Party Presidential primaries, as stated before, have been going since Monday. They will be ending tonight (Thursdsay) sometime, so if you have not voted yet, get to it. Blondeninja is currently ahead of Trekker Tlumac in the polls.

Voting link here

Did you know the Feds have their own radio show? It comes on weekly. Here is Eliwood Sain with more:

Fed Radio chugs along for the start of its 6th month in broadcasting this Monday at 1800 eRep time.  Join hosts eliwood_sain and dk3dknight as well as their call-in guests as they talk to various party members about their work and involvement in the party as well as the party itself.  You can call in as well at (347)-989-8972 and go on air, or by clicking the skype button on that week's show's page.  New callers are always welcome.  Listen in this Monday for a fun new show LIVE!

Update provided by eliwood_sain

Link to the latest episode below:

And here is the link to this coming Monday's episode:

Fed Lucky Lotto takes place on the forum every Friday. Lots of chances to win, and it is free! Check it out.

Lucky Lotto!

Are you a fan of a particular Fed? Has someone made your life in the party easier, better, or more meaningful? Would you like to show you gratitude but are unsure how? Well you could endless stalk their every move like an excited little puppy to show your thanks. Or you could just vote for them on the Fed award link in the forum. The latter is recommended, as the first could get you thrown in jail.

The Fed awards are up, so get out there and vote.
Hurry! Voting ends Feb 15th

Looking for a job within the feds? There are plenty available!

For instance, in the Recruitment and Retention department they are always looking for new volunteers to help out. Anyone interested in helping out should contact Darkapollo52 at the following in game profile.


Here in the Media department we are also looking for help. Always want new people to come in and write for us. All skill levels accepted. All lengths of articles accepted. Pretty much just need to show up and want to write. If interested contact me (Trekker Tlumac) at the link provide😛

Trekker Tlumac

Fedex is also always looking for help. It is a great place to start. The commitment to the job is minimal and it is a stepping stone to further activity. Those interested in Fedex can contact the director IndexInifinity at the following link:


Not interested in any of those jobs? Or just want to help out wherever you may be needed? We got you covered. Fill out this form and we will put you in touch would someone right away.

Click here, so we may brand you. Not really, just will give us an idea what you want to do.


Are you hungry? Are you in need of big guns? Well the No Fed Left Behind program will give you food and tanks. Since its inception, the program has given tanks and fed over 1000 orders for hungry Feds.

If you are a Fed and are hungry or need protection, the name of the program says it all.

No Fed Left Behind form

For those of you that are new to the Feds or even just Fed-curious, we welcome you to come find out more about us. The Fed forums are a great place to start. There are games, news and discussions constantly being discussed. It is a great place to get know about your party members better. You can also join us on the IRC party chat, which is another great way to get to know your fellow feds.

On Rizon at #fedpartychat, or

Not sure what to post about? Not ready to join up in eRep or ePolitical banter? Well we have just the place for you to start. Start posting in the Fun Zone and work your way in the other discussions.

State of SHIELD

SHIELD is the Federalist Parties most P/H Military Unit to date! How do we continue this level of awesomeness you may ask? With the help of soldiers and would be soldiers like you! SHIELD is currently recruiting anyone and everyone that would like to be a member of an elite fraternity of brothers and sisters. You will be supplied daily with Tanks and Food to fight the good fight for the USA. You will be motivated, you will be determined, you will be flogged, and you will have fun crushing the enemies of our glorious nation. Players of all manner of experience have a place in this Unit, whether it be as a HAMMER member or SWORD airborne soldier. The HAMMER program is designed to help new and upcoming players build their strength up before being unleashed into other Divisions while SWORD is an elite group of commandos whose sole purpose is to infiltrate enemy territory and participate in Resistance Wars and Uprising around the globe! So if you or someone you know is interested in standing beside us, united as one, be sure to join by clicking here... SHIELDs UP!

Mourning Star

State of the country

At the current, the eUSA has fifty-nine territories. This includes eight foreign territories from six different countries. Not all of these were invaded for war. These eight extra territories were procured through various means. Rental properties, treaties with RoC and helping eRussia are the other way the eUSA has acquired land. Invasions were for ePortugal and eCanada.

This is a far cry from where the eUSA was only a few months ago. Progress forward is ever present.

The eUSA has also signed four MPPs in the last 6 days. (eTurkey, eIndonesia, eItaly, and eBrazil). We have also declared eCanada as our Natural Enemy.

The country is at war once again (albeit fairly minor). With the forming of the new Serbian alliance, resistance wars have popped up all over our occupied territories. The past few days have been a sprint to quell the resistance wars and still help our allies worldwide. This is complicated as we no longer declare neutrality in the eCanada war and have invaded some of their territories as well. This declaration came after a long time disintegration of public relations.
Wild Owl (sitting ePotUS) has explained his reasoning for this move, citing the eCanadian intent to join a Pro-Serbian alliance as one of the motivators for this move. Read the full article HERE

Wild Owl has also released another article the other day announcing the new NAP (Non-Aggression Pact) with eChina. It is yet another strive to better our foreign relations.

Read about the NAP here.

Well the eWorld is a cold tough place, especially if you are a PTO threat to the eUSA (or eWorld in general), as it should be. Sing the Cheers theme song all you want, or even Mr. Rogers… But the fact is as long as there are people trying to seize power through deceit, there will always be those ready to fight against them. One of the easiest ways to try to seize power is through the employment of multi-accounts. (creating redundant accounts for people, so that there is several accounts controlled by one person) Such accounts are a violation “Terms of Use” as stated by Plato.

As it so happens, the Fed Media department has a recently reactivated citizen who worked in anti-PTO efforts before leaving the game years ago. Trekker asked him what he thought about the multi threat, this is what Devill had to say:

“The threat of multi accounts is real. I have fought them for a very long time. Longer than most of you have been in the game.

*Flashback to 5-6 years ago*
A young Devill, eager to get involved in his political party, The Conservative Party, joined several programs to get to know people. He met many good people who helped him and taught him everything he knows. He also met one person who changed his entire eCareer. Ajay Bruno, also known as Pizza the Hutt and RGR. Devill spent weeks hunting down the multi accounts that threatened not only his party, but his country.

*Back to the present*
As I look back, I don't only see how I hunted multis. I see how a political party banded together, grew in activity, and drew other political parties to finally work together against a common threat. That is what I can see for our great eCountry. A place where we can work together, and be respectful to each other even with our differences.”

Words of Devill, The Federalist Press staff.

State of the World

Expect big news on this part next week. The forming of the new alliances is starting to take place, so once we (at the Federalist Press) get a better handle on the facts, there will be updates.

Please hold… Your call is important to us. No seriously, it is.

State of my Gold

Puppies Ho!

Well it is that time of the paper again time to announce the new way to get entries on how to win my gold. But first I must need to announce who won my gold! And that was ischelle. For a second week in a row she has one my gold. Congrats to you. The gold will be in your notifications shortly.

This week I want to know what your favorite TV show? It will get you two extra entries into my gold. What is your favorite TV show of all time? Mine is Futurama. I also enjoy Big Bang Theory, South Park and geeky science shows.


There are a lot of great educational tools out there and everyone should read up on them, even the experienced players who know it all. This week I am including the link to a pretty comprehensive guide on how to succeed in the eUSA. Funnily enough that is the title. It is a 10 part series, 11 if you include the intro. It is worth the read for anyone needing help.

State of the Staff

As you may have noticed last week, there are a couple new faces around the Media Department. The Media Dude (Me, Trekker) is excited to announce the expansion of the staff to include three weekly staffers, plus Media Dude! Woot! Well since they are all new to you and still have the new-car smell to me as well, I have been asking them to write up something about them. This way we can both get to know them together. So this week, this section is dedicated to introducing the Fed party (and eWorld) to the fresh faces of Fed Media. (In future weeks look back here to see what is going on with the staff in the eWorld)

First, let me introduce a resurrected blast from the past, WookyJack.

“Hello eAmerica,

I have returned. It appears a few of us have recently come back to see if Erep can capture back what had fascinated us so long before and I am not disappointed. And we missed a helluva fight, too! Obviously, I have been out of the loop for some time and I was able to get a quick rundown of eUSA's current situation from Trekker Tlumac. And oh boy, have we come a long way from the days as I remember them:

Past aside, the landscape has changed drastically and the Brolliance I once knew has seemingly come to an end. Oh, eCanada, parting is such sweet sorrow. The eUSA has risen like a Phoenix (lulEreppunz) from the ashes of destruction and allied elsewhere while acknowledging its past faults to the best of its ability. Our Potus Wild Owl is preparing to bludgeon its new enemies to death with more headless chicken feces and whatnot. And I find myself overwhelmed with new information. Needless to say, I am hooked again 🙂

What do I do now? Well, I have offered my services to write for the Feds and I have interest in running for Congress. I am still catching up from the couple years I have been gone. I'm almost positive I will not succumb to my usual, pedantic ways and gallivant around trolling other countries newspapers as org voting appears to have died. But the Federalist Party has quickly adopted me with warm welcome and I am eager to assist eUSA's rebuild among the political field. It seems one of the most fascinating aspects of the game is still intact: PTO. I am ready to defend. o/”

- WookyJack

Next up on the roster is an up and coming new Fed convert (I may or may not have has a hand in converting him to Fed). He made his debut in the paper last week interviewing Bohemond4 (UK MoFA for Jan). Give a warm welcome to DylanBAS

   “I started playing on April twentieth, 2013. Given the occasion of that day, you can guess why. I was very enthusiastic about getting involved. I was astounded by the amount of fame people had attained to the point of becoming “household” names on erep. At first, I started out slow though. I read articles voraciously(as I still do) and got to learn a lot about the game very quickly.

   My first major involvement was the military. I joined flight training, rose fast and graduated 2 weeks later with a fair understanding of how things worked. I quit the MU and scouted out for a more stable spot. I was invited by Haselrig and the Cannon Cockers to join them. I enjoyed the splendor of the avatar uniforms(although at the time I didn’t even have an avatar) and they seemed like a nice bunch. I got an avatar and a uniform from them and felt pretty set. I helped out a lot and tried to do as much as I could for the good the the unit.

   In politics, I first got involved by recruiting for various parties, but never really found a defining factor which I could appreciate. My first big move was becoming part of the Pony Party during the Unity era. I nearly made congress then but I am glad that I did not as I was woefully underprepared. I left after the party tanked in membership. I resumed my politically nomadic style until the LAP came up. Yet another ATO party effort. I joined and made huge strides. i joined the media college, nearly made congress(again) and finally left for the feds after a telling legislative experiment(ask Trekker Tlumac). I worked hard and gained Congress. Soon after, i joined the media department and here I am. Questions?

   I am a Dioist, but more specifically, a member of the cloven cult(led by Derphoof). We believe that ponies are the ultimate form that have tamed the mighty sands and will crush the swedes and their formidable accents into the snow.

On issues, I tend to generally agree with the consensus but make a point of trying to be a contrarian so that all the flaws in an idea are spotted and resolved. I enjoy seeing congress in action from the inside, and I enjoy the thought that my actions here matter. I like the aspect of manipulation in politics. The idea of tweaking all the variables in other people to your advantage. The idea that you can work your way to the top by doing what comes naturally. I will probably never be CP(I have a life) but I will still go far nonetheless.”

- DylanBAS

State of my Mind

Ever hear the saying that you should not complain about your life being boring or else something will make it not boring? Yeah, it was one of those weeks.

Well my mind is surviving as it always does. Have some RL stuff going on that have preoccupied me more than usual. Some things are out of my control and all. But I am still around and still trying to move the party forward.  Hoping everything will regain some normalcy in the coming days. If not, I will endure. We have a great media department and several hard workers. I want to thank them for making my job easier. You guys are good people.

I guess that is all there is today. Take care. Stay Proud. Stay horny. Spank donkeys. You know, the usual.
-Trekker Tlumac

Always been my motto to life.
Some days it is easier to keep this in mind than others.
Oh well. It is what it is.

That reminds me, I need to get back to writing.
I have done very little in the past three months. I miss that release.

Well to be fair...
There was that whole late 70's and 80's thing going on where people did do that...

This however is incredibly accurate.

FPR is UP!