[POTUS] Week Two! Media Rising! ++++

Day 4,476, 10:56 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia
Presidential Updates! Vol. 5 +++ Training War Updates +++

Maybe you didnt notice.. But lately, Medias seems to have regain some sort of second life in eUSA. The return of Melissa Rose, Oldfag like Max Planck and some motivated young players.. David Toe and Jacob Fergeuson brought us some really good pieces of paper... well written, filled with useful stuff ... I suggest everyone to take a look, read, subscribe, vote and endorse these people articles and show your support!

On the military front, some changes had to be made in our training war routine to prevent and help our allies to stay in eUSA or to provide shelter to some others. Finland will now be on a rotational Training war. They will turn in the old South Korean regions (Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania). So from now on, Finland wins all the Direct War and USA win the Resistance Wars. We have also resumed our Training war with Chile. We will ping pong in the region Rhode Island and Wales (UK)

We have slightly modified our Training war (TW) with Malaysia as well. We worked hard trying to find the best option to make everyone happy with it. Many peoples messaged me, complained about this TW since they had companies in Minnesota and they felt mad du to Malaysia occupation of Minnesota. We changed the region Malaysia occupy for the ping pong to Wisconsin. Also, the Natural Enemy (NE)Law passed yesterday. So from now on, we will benefit from our TW with Canada of an extra 10% damage. We had to drop the Albania NE due too many changes abroad.

USA to LOSE : All Direct Battles (unless stated otherwise on National Feed or in PM thread)

Rotation Wars on USA core regions

Croatia wins on Direct. USA wins all Resistance Wars.
Greece wins on Direct.USA wins all Resistance Wars.
Turkey wins on Direct. USA wins all Resistance Wars.
Poland wins on Direct. USA wins all Resistance Wars.
Sweden wins on Direct. USA wins all Resistance Wars.
Republik of Moldavia wins on Direct. USA wins all Resistance Wars.
Finland wins on Direct, USA wins all Resistance Wars.
USA wins on Direct. Canada wins all Resistance wars.

Ping pong Wars

Russia defend Far east Russia, USA defend Alaska
Cuba defend Western Cuba, USA defend Florida
Chile defend Wales, USA defend Rhode Island

Ping Pong wars in our regions

Taiwan defend Hawaii, USA defend California
South Korea defend Texas, USA defend Arkansas
Malaysia defend Wisconsin, USA defend Minnesota

Ping Pong wars Abroad:

Brazil - USA : USA Defend Santa Cruz, Brazil Defend Center West of Brazil
Albania - USA : USA Defend Pyongan, Albania Defend Kangwon

I hope this will help people and keep our Training wars on the track!

Useful links for everyone !