[FED] Feb Party President exit and entrance interviews

Day 2,286, 00:30 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Well Party President Elections were about a week ago. The changing of the locks took place smoothly and Tyler Bubblar yielded power to Blondeninja with all the grace that a butter fiend can muster (which is a tremendous amount). And upon the exchange of power the Fed Media department was able to procure a short interview with both the current Party President and the former one.  Consider them the exit and entrance interviews for the leaving and incoming party presidents, in that respective order.

First up is the interview that WookyJack was able to procure during the week that he held Tyler as prisoner as in his basement. These answers were achieved circumstances of under duress, but the content is still valid. Tyler does not fluster easily…

1. Just to get some information (especially for folks that do not know you well) tell us a little about yourself in RL and in Erep.

1) some of my answers to these questions will be intertwined. I'll do my best to keep them separate. I've done a few things in the Federalist Party, served a few terms in Congress, done a few terms as PP. Done a few cabinet level things as well for the executive. In my rl I'm a husband and a father. Nothing all that special.

2. How do you feel about the past month being the Feds PP? Do you find it overwhelming at times having many roles to play for the Feds, as well as eUSA?

2) My goal this month was to serve as a bridge to new leaders. I also wanted to increase traffic and activity to the Fed meta community. I messaged and handed out tanks in an effort to boost participation. Things seem to be moving in a positive direction. A few things I had planned fell through, but on the whole I'm happy.

3. Were you able to fulfill all your goals this past month as PP? Was Political Take Over ever at all a concern in the party?

3) Not all of my goals. I had a grand vision of oldfags working in tandem with our new up and comers. It for the most part didn't happen, but as I said before things are trending up.

4. You have been playing the game since 2009. Do you have any good advice for future political candidates?

4) I started in 2009,I stopped playing in early 2010.I made my return to the game in April of 2013. My advice is to get involved, get a position with your party or with one of the executive Departments and do the work. The pool of talent has become shallow. Show up, work hard and with competence you will go far on that. It's worked for me.

5. Will we see you again as Feds PP?

5) I'm completing my 3rd term as Party President now. I stressed out a lot during my first two that I served during the summer. This time around I had a very good time. If the Party needs me and we're short of promising candidates I would consider running for PP again.

6. What is your favorite part of Erep and do you have any parting thoughts overall for the viewers?

6) I have always loved the media aspect of erep. However, I also very much enjoy seeing new players join the game, learn, grow and excel. Lately there's been too little of that. My parting thought would be get involved in the community. The game itself at face value is pretty crappy, but the community we've built behind it is very worthwhile. We're actively seeking new blood, it'd be a shame to miss out on the opportunities being a part of the community bring.

Interview by WookyJack
(Please note that after the completion of the interview Tyler was released from his entrapment and suffered no lingering effects of his imprisonment.)

My (Trekker) interview with Blondeninja was much easier get. All I had to do was talk to her during the post-election party held in her honor. (The party was quite an affair by the way. Balloons, music, champagne, and a 50 foot screen player Veronica Mars) Madam Party President was more than willing to answer a few questions for me. Here is that conversation.

1) Congratulations of winning the Fed Party Presidency, how does it feel to finally have that seat?

Thank you! Well it does feel nice, it's been a long time coming in my political career. It's work and I feel the responsibility of the whole party upon me but I enjoy it.

2) You have played a lot of roles over the years within the game, as your extensive resume shows. What comes next after Party President?

Not sure, just going to keep helping feds. PP is the highest I ever plan on going so maybe some CP Cab spot. Not entirely sure but my focus is PP here and now so I'll figure that out later.

3) Is there anything you would like to say to the party you now lead?

You guys are awesome, I love you, stay proud horny!

4) Did you know you are my hero? Erm, I meant explosions and fight scenes! Wait, that still isn't right. Uh, what is your favorite Veronica Mars episode? Yeah, let's go with that one...

Me? A heroine? Nah, could never. I do hope to be a role model and inspire some newer members though!! Favorite episode? Thats a hard one; seasons 1 & 2 were the best so one of those for sure, all were pretty awesome and it's hard to pick. I know it's cliche but it really is.

We are left to wonder what comes next.

Well for Blondeninja that is to run the party to the best of her abilities, which means good times for the Feds.

For Tyler Bubblar it means running for Country President. Click here for more information.

Thank you for joining us for this exclusive report.

!Remember to vote Fed Tuesday!
!Congressional Elections are Tuesday!

PP Interviews V/S/C