Амбијент укључен/искључен

NnK Update: August 27

7 Дан 646, 00:57 Објављено у Japan Japan

政府は次のような 声明 を 出した:

The Republic of Korea

Friends, soldiers, colleagues and citizens, I speak to you today with a great sorrow that weighs heavy on my

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War is Peace

12 Дан 643, 21:37 Објављено у Japan Japan

Citizens, soldiers, colleagues and friends of the Great Japanese Empire, it is the duty of the Ministry of Interior Affairs to inform you that our nation will soon be at war with the Republic of Korea. But this war is no act of … Види све »

Takarakuji Lottery

13 Дан 640, 18:11 Објављено у Japan Japan

Hello honorable citizens of Japan,
It's Friday and the beginning of the national Takarakuji!

The first draw starts now. Tickets are 3 JPY and can be bought more

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The Ministry of Truth

5 Дан 639, 02:43 Објављено у Japan Japan

Greetings and salutations, people of the Great Japanese Empire. It is terribly unfortunate that I am today speaking to you for the first time. My name is Reiji Mitsurugi, and I am the Minister of Internal Affairs. It is my … Види све »

NnK: Update [Aug19]

3 Дан 638, 15:34 Објављено у Japan Japan

Hello honourable citizens of Japan!
This Public Relations office, Nihon no Koe (Voice of Japan), handles the relay of information from the Japanese government, directly to you.

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