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Guide To Erepublic

2 Дан 4,529, 03:56 Објављено у India India Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику

You are a new player in erepublic
Following steps will help you establish yourself as a member of a ecountry.
1.Always fight for your country
Doing so will help build confidence in your fellow countrymen in You and Види све »

Captain India.Vote for a Liberal! Campaign

4 Дан 4,523, 06:26 Објављено у India India Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Guys,After some days we have elections for party presidents.At Our liberal peoples Party,there are three candidates.
Sbkrazr is Hardworking True
Cronus III is Energetic True
But I guarantee you than I am a mixture of Both!

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Hi Guys

0 Дан 4,521, 02:03 Објављено у India India Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Woah!I had gone just for four months and you guys have almost conquered India Back!Congrats!Today I have came back and will fight again . Jail Hind!

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I just reached a milestone . In level 26

0 Дан 4,396, 04:15 Објављено у India India Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику

When i achieved LVL. 26 i also got national force * how cool is that . And that too at LVL.26.

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Grim Times?

5 Дан 4,394, 05:49 Објављено у India India Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Ummm...what to say.
Are we to lose a battle or win one?
Sometimes one says not to be BH because we are ought to lose against them.
West Bengal:Confused but forged on
Now Kerala : didn’t do BH but scored at least.
Also , I suggest we should post

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