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Newspaper for the weebs degenerates

I am Spiritually Reborn in eKSA!!!

18 Дан 1,161, 05:10 Објављено у Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Assalamualaikum & greetings

I begin with Allah blessed name,I praise Him and I glorified Him as He is ought to be praise and glorified.I pray for peace and blessing on all His noble messengers,on our father Adam a.s,on our father Abraham a.s,on

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And The Winner Is.......

13 Дан 1,117, 04:51 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

Hello eIreland.
Last week I made an avatar making competition and as I promised I will announce the winner today.Sadly the winner of this competition was permanently banned a few days ago for creating multiple account so I won't say his name but he

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Learn From The Past

21 Дан 1,116, 09:56 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

Hello eIreland,
Those who forgot history will surely repeat the same mistakes made by others in the past.Today I will remind eIreland on what the Mongols achieve when they were united and how infighting consume the empire and bring it to

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Article Writing 101 (V2)

16 Дан 1,108, 20:30 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

Today I will write an article about how to write an article 😛 .A few months ago I wrote an article with the same purpose but there have been a lot of changes in the media module since than. Some of the code got more complicated and some have been

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Avatar Making Competition!!!

13 Дан 1,108, 06:33 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

Hello again eIreland.
Well today I would like to spice things up a little bit.I'm pretty much bored of my avatar because I hijacked it from google image so there is no feeling of attachment between my avatar and I so I've decided to make a

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