Амбијент укључен/искључен

New Party!!!

3 Дан 1,976, 17:25 Објављено у USA USA Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику

Hi all, just throwing it out there that I am now a member of The Federalist Party!!! The USWP will always have a special place in my heart!!! I just felt that I was making the right choice with this change. Go Feds!!!!!

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First Article!!!!!!!!!

5 Дан 1,967, 18:30 Објављено у USA USA Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

So, this is the first of hopefully many articles!!!!!!! My topic today is Canada!

I know I haven't been part of the EUS very long, but I have tried to study the history of The New World and The EUS to the best of my ability. Anyways, I noticed

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