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Exposing a bunch of Crud, you are more than likely not very interested in

Into the unknown

32 Дан 970, 16:08 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

Let me start by explaining the title. I have been playing this game for a long time. It has perhaps enriched my life and “dulled” my life, and I really don’t remember what it was like to not play eRepublik. So to me, to finally say goodbye to the

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Time to re-set South Africa!

23 Дан 966, 14:22 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

Just a small note from me, and if anyone can maybe listen for a second - and perhaps take to heart what I am saying, then I would be grateful.

I have seen this country at its best and at its worst, through destruction and unification. People at

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Australia has hope

13 Дан 951, 12:33 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

It appears that admin have removed 14 PTO congressman from Australia's senate.

Apart from that - admin are placing congressmen into senate that lost to PTO candidates. This means that our brothers in arms can breath easy, knowing that their

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My Platform - Mark Morcom

17 Дан 946, 10:44 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

Once again we are on the brink of another congressional election. I am putting myself forward as a candidate in Mpumalanga in service of this great country.

Who am I?
For those of you that don't know me, My name is Mark Morcom and I have

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Follow up - Get some balls

20 Дан 941, 15:50 Објављено у South Africa South Africa


Wow, I must admit that I did not expect the reactions that I got from my last article. Well, I did expect reaction, but not to such a degree. I will try address these reactions and I will attempt to … Види све »