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Prince Giveaway: Free Food

36 Дан 1,377, 11:06 Објављено у Canada Canada Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Hello fellow eCanadians! This is Prince

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I would

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Prime Minister(CP)-Prince

11 Дан 1,257, 08:43 Објављено у Canada Canada Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Presidency is no doubt one of the hardest roles to fill with a term that is only 1 month long, which is hardly enough to achieve all that is proposed in a CP race platform, especially for a country requiring a large amount of organizing, and re-

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Future Prime Minister(CP)

9 Дан 1,255, 10:08 Објављено у Canada Canada Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

As a future hopeful for President of eCanada, I do not claim to be a superman who will fix all the problems in one month. I will do my best to steadily improve the nation; you will not be disappointed.

My aim as President is to give eCanada a

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Prince Ontario(Day 1250)

7 Дан 1,250, 08:31 Објављено у Canada Canada Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

I been given the opportunity to run for Congress again under the MOO banner on Apr 25. Come on and vote for me, you know you want to.

Having active congressmen is important, As a congressmen I will continue be active on our forum and in the game.

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Ask the congress?(Day 1,222)Week 1

4 Дан 1,222, 12:23 Објављено у Canada Canada

Dear Canada,

I come before you today humbled and eager to bring Ask the Congress?. How this work, Any Canadian may ask any question, we the Congress

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