Амбијент укључен/искључен

Good morning Hungary

27 Дан 714, 00:14 Објављено у Hungary Hungary

Ca multumire pt atentia acordata de legiunea secuiasca avatarelor noastre ne-am gandit sa va facem o vizita... Asa ca nu stiu daca va mai amintiti de Matza dar urmeaza o adevarata placere a noastra.

SP brought the matza to you.

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In curand, teatru de razboi, in toata lumea ...

49 Дан 699, 02:30 Објављено у Romania Romania

Esti plictisit?

Asa-i ca vrei ceva actiune ?

Asa-i ca vrei sa ai macar ocazia ?

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Fly high and Hit hard

8 Дан 659, 23:36 Објављено у Romania Romania

Extras din Discursul Comandantului de pe ordinea de zi 658:

"Salut Soimi,

azi, ziua 658, ora 20.30 ora Romaniei, vom face un exercitiu de antrenament. Prezenta pe chat la ora 20 pentru detalii[...] O zi buna, Mesther."

La ora stabilita si

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Keep on FIGHTING… there is HOPE [US vers.]

5 Дан 639, 22:19 Објављено у USA USA

Five weeks have passed since we set sail on this epic journey; one of defeat and victories, of glory and misfortune, of fellowship and dishonesty. Five weeks the ocean tides buried the trace of battles, the smoking ruins of fortifications greeted us

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Keep on FIGHTING… there is HOPE [UK vers.]

4 Дан 639, 22:19 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom

Five weeks have passed since we set sail on this epic journey; one of defeat and victories, of glory and misfortune, of fellowship and dishonesty. Five weeks the ocean tides buried the trace of battles, the smoking ruins of fortifications greeted us

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