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[Presidential Address] Training War, the Tournament, and Reelection!

6 Дан 2,803, 20:41 Објављено у Canada Canada Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Yesterday I approached my good friend and our ally, VyC ARG, the President of Argentina about releasing an Irish … Види све »

[Presidential Address] Sacrifice and the Community

41 Дан 2,800, 19:41 Објављено у Canada Canada Финансијско пословање Финансијско пословање

This is my response to this article.[Види све »

[Presidential Address] Taxes, War, and a Domestic Agenda

15 Дан 2,794, 19:57 Објављено у Canada Canada Војна наређења Војна наређења

My fellow Canadians, I would like to thank you for an exciting ten days in office. I would hope that most of you are … Види све »

[Presidential Address] Victory in Europe

34 Дан 2,790, 16:37 Објављено у Canada Canada Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Well folks it looks like we have successfully ended the war with Germany. We have liberated our friends in the Netherlands, and have an agreement to stay there and help them remain intact … Види све »

[Presidential Address] Constitutional Crisis or Congressional Treason

41 Дан 2,790, 03:33 Објављено у Canada Canada Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Today Canada finds itself in an unprecedented position, our Congress has violated the Constitution and ignored an Executive Order. They did not overturn an … Види све »