Амбијент укључен/искључен

[Feds] We're Doing Our Part!

18 Дан 4,753, 02:59 Објављено у USA USA Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе


Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have nice things?

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a systemic … Види све »

[Pentagon MU] War is Gritty

7 Дан 4,744, 12:56 Објављено у USA USA Ратне анализе Ратне анализе


eUS Military staging post, Aegean Coast of Turkey, 23:00 hours

CODE was losing the war. That was the narrative that … Види све »

eRep Radio Day 4739 (Canada Edition)

10 Дан 4,739, 13:52 Објављено у Canada Canada Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Greetings to eCanada from one eUS citizen.

I'm aware there have been some hard feelings generated by ReWa, but at the end of the day, this is just a game, and every interaction I've had with you guys has told me you're cool people. So let's jam

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[Feds] Cthulhu for CP

8 Дан 4,730, 11:56 Објављено у USA USA Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе


You know what they say about Feds and having more fun...

Ladies and Gents, the Fed party has voted! For CP this month, we have decided to support Cthulhu!

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eRep Radio Day 4728

9 Дан 4,728, 15:05 Објављено у USA USA Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Oh boy, it's been a while hasn't it?

We're overdue for one a few of these. I've been needing some new music lately, anyway. So here we go again.

To participate:
1: Comment on this article with a song you want me to play

2: top 3

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