Амбијент укључен/искључен

Redundantly, on the Charter matter – a few contributions

15 Дан 810, 07:48 Објављено у Romania Romania


As I already told some of you, I had, since my first article on this subject, the intention to elaborate a series of amendments to the actual Charter. Of course, this embodies my personal set of visions on the matter and it … Види све »

The Romanian Elections!

7 Дан 810, 04:48 Објављено у Finland Finland

To the people of Finland,

Although it has passed only one week since I formally addressed you fine people, the recent elections in my country made me withhold your attention with a new article.

First of all, with great pleasure, I am … Види све »

The Romanian Elections!

7 Дан 810, 04:41 Објављено у Sweden Sweden

To the people of Sweden,

Although it has passed only one week since I formally addressed you fine people, the recent elections in my country made me withhold your attention with a new article.

First of all, with great pleasure, I am … Види све »

A few good men!

19 Дан 806, 10:21 Објављено у Romania Romania

Many of us know this term, but we usually corroborate it with the title of a Hollywood blockbuster starring Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson. Only a few know the story behind this term.

It was used the first time in 20 March 1779 by William Jones,

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Official greetings to the people of Finland

10 Дан 805, 03:29 Објављено у Finland Finland

I feel privileged to be able to address to you from my new appointment as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Romania in Sweden and Finland. Although I am a new member of the Romanian Foreign Office, I received a very pleasant role as an

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