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Warfare analysis II

54 Дан 4,849, 12:34 Објављено у Croatia Croatia Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

In previous warfare analysis article i was speaking of the past and how assteria cheated!

Today ill speak of the present.

Actually i will not speak, ill share a video with you that explains all of it.



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Warfare analysis

201 Дан 4,841, 03:27 Објављено у Croatia Croatia Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Hello, im about to make warfare analysis from before helloween 2019 to mid february 2020.

A time when CODE exploded within few months, a time when Greeks went to boycott beacuase something was ''fishy'' a time when Turks stopped buying

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How Plato decided to help Assteria

124 Дан 4,433, 02:56 Објављено у Croatia Croatia Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

After one of the Serbian tanks got frustrated about some platos move, he openly spoke about how plato directly or indirectly helps assteria.

Why did i say directly or indirectly, simply because he admited assteria is buying packs for much

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story of the month in 5 pictures

12 Дан 4,397, 07:49 Објављено у Croatia Croatia Ратне анализе Ратне анализе




4. [img]https://i.imgur.com/P22jL3C.png[/[/img]

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BUG republik (updated)

23 Дан 2,527, 08:31 Објављено у Croatia Croatia Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику

Every tournament same fckn story, FIX BUGS then organize tournaments.

I made over 22000 PP

and should have refill 140 + 30 (had powerpack) = 170, but still have refill 80 and time goes on and

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