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[closed]Good mood. 4000 energy for every comment. Special gift.

100 Дан 5,164, 13:06 Објављено у France France Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава


I want simple give gift every player who will set comment to this article.

So strange mood today 😃

Energy need everyone and for fight in ground and for fight in air, I solved, that this gift will great for everyone.

Set comment,

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[25 coms] 100-2000 gold for simple fighting

22 Дан 5,145, 09:27 Објављено у France France Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику


Sorry for the long absence, but somehow there was no topic to write an interesting article.

I'm fine, I already get 2 SH medals a day and as a result, 50 gold every day I always have in my pocket.

Today is another interesting

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Political lobbying

8 Дан 5,120, 10:47 Објављено у France France Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе


This article is a proposal to improve the political process in eFrance.

As it is:
Congressmen vote on in-game laws
The money received by the state is distributed among the players by the cabinet.

How will it be:
De facto,

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Air rank in 9 times faster then usually

10 Дан 5,117, 11:34 Објављено у France France Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику


I didn't write some days.
Some news.
I started raising air rank and this gave me some borders to gain medals in battles:
1. 2 BH medals for 1 deploy(else i will cann't receive 60 medals)
2. 28 deploys in week on air battles

And I

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7680 hits in air battle = 40g a day.

0 Дан 5,111, 23:24 Објављено у France France Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику

I search yet another methodes gain more money on start, faster then other.

When u taking Battle Hero medal in Division 1 u will receive 2 g.

Hm... How i can do it more? 70 deploys is finishing(

Right now u can gain Sky … Види све »