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The official comic of the UK Ministry of Entertainment (MoENT)

By: Dwyer Edwards

[MoE] Weekend Whimsy #1!

9 Дан 6,016, 10:12 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Citizens, are you ready to be entertained!

The Ministry of Entertainment is back, and you’ve got the chance to win some Prizes!

There’s a series of games and features in … Види све »

[MoEnt] New Year's Quiz

7 Дан 5,887, 02:53 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

I hope everyone will have a good 2024!
But First, A Quiz...

First-er-ly, the answers to the last quiz:

Quiz Answers:

1. London Bridge
2. Cardiff
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[MoEnt] St. Stephens Day/ Boxing Day Quiz

9 Дан 5,880, 02:24 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and will have a Happy New Year!
But First, A Quiz...

The Rules:

1. PM the answers to me.
2. You … Види све »

[MoEnt] Tuesday shake-off-the-blues-day (Final Emoji Quiz!)

4 Дан 5,796, 11:26 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Tuesday is shake-off-the-blues-day!

We have a third and final emoji quiz for you before we launch into the ‘Vote-Today-Giveaway’ on Thursday. There are no prizes for guessing … Види све »

[MoE] Yet MORE quizzing, yet MORE prizes

2 Дан 5,794, 09:56 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Sunday Funday!

Scroll down to see what quick-comment games we have to round off the weekend with (hope you had a good one!) and another visual quiz to give you the chance to win big. … Види све »