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Journal Officiel du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Diplomatie Française.
Official Journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and French Diplomacy.

France-Spain War and its first result: Aquitaine

3 Дан 745, 02:05 Објављено у Pakistan Pakistan

Dear friends of eFrance,

I and France stand together to thank all of you for your help during the battle of Aquitaine.

We did not succeed in keeping it, but we did prove to the whole world that eFrance was not alone, and that … Види све »

France-Spain War and its first result: Aquitaine

9 Дан 745, 02:04 Објављено у Netherlands Netherlands

Dear friends of eFrance,

I and France stand together to thank all of you for your help during the battle of Aquitaine.

We did not succeed in keeping it, but we did prove to the whole world that eFrance was not alone, and that … Види све »

France-Spain War and its first result: Aquitaine

4 Дан 745, 02:03 Објављено у Japan Japan

Dear friends of eFrance,

I and France stand together to thank all of you for your help during the battle of Aquitaine.

We did not succeed in keeping it, but we did prove to the whole world that eFrance was not alone, and that … Види све »

France-Spain War and its first result: Aquitaine

11 Дан 745, 02:03 Објављено у Italy Italy

Dear friends of eFrance,

I and France stand together to thank all of you for your help during the battle of Aquitaine.

We did not succeed in keeping it, but we did prove to the whole world that eFrance was not alone, and that … Види све »

France-Spain War and its first result: Aquitaine

4 Дан 745, 02:02 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

Dear friends of eFrance,

I and France stand together to thank all of you for your help during the battle of Aquitaine.

We did not succeed in keeping it, but we did prove to the whole world that eFrance was not alone, and that … Види све »