Амбијент укључен/искључен

The National Police Force needs YOU!

7 Дан 602, 23:48 Објављено у India India

After discussions with President Shail and the National Police Force (NPF) Interns I have decided to expand the NPF to help ease the workload a little.

We currently … Види све »

India - A New Man's Perspective

14 Дан 580, 21:42 Објављено у India India

Hello my dear brothers and sisters of India!

My goodness, I haven't said that about any eCountry I have been in. The UK was great, Australia was lovely too... until the media descended into something one would expect from kindergarten children.

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Wellness Tips from an Old Man

9 Дан 574, 04:26 Објављено у India India

Firstly before I set off with the main body of this article, I would like to send my greetings to everyone here in India. I am sure that together as a nation we can build upon the solid work of our great government and make India into something

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The Quest for Sanity in Politics

17 Дан 560, 03:23 Објављено у Australia Australia

It's been said that the quest for sanity and truth is the noblest occupation of man, but there are dragons lurking in the Dark Forests of Politics. And the names of these dragons are "Childish" and "Deliberate Distortion" and "Sheer, Wrongheaded

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eRepublik Parody

2 Дан 546, 05:23 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom

The New World finds itself in interesting and tumultous times. Once these events run their course, they will change eRepublik history forever.

A video posted on YouTube by GrgoCroatia reveals how a small(er) ATLANTIS country feels about the

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