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Vote for John Jay and Joe Dasmoe today for a stronger America

16 Дан 501, 23:46 Објављено у USA USA

There have been many roads this general has gone down in his 8 month career. I started in politics when I began this game, winning my first election for mayor in Concord, New … Види све »

The Campaign Trail: My views so far

19 Дан 499, 16:30 Објављено у USA USA

I am going to stray away from campaigning for now, because I have been noticing some very bad traits some of the contenders are showing. When I was growing up (a little JJ, if you will) I was taught that politics was supposed to fuel conversation. A

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Military planning, PAC updates

22 Дан 496, 06:29 Објављено у USA USA

Going through my platform, I saw that I did not put in enough detail about my military plans. After many people have asked, I decided to go a little more in-depth with the subject. Here goes...

Military Re-structure:

This is of the

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You want change America? Vote John Jay/Joe Dasmoe in April!!

52 Дан 492, 11:32 Објављено у USA USA

"This is Tom Tucker, with a Channel 5 special report. We now go to Asian reporter Tricia Takanawa, Tricia?"
"Tom, reporters from around the world have gathered at the steps of the Tennessee Valley Authority's world headquarters in Memphis,
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